Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

It easier for some to hate others, it can be easier just "to do you". Now love! Can we show a person, who we do not know and/or hates us? 


  1. Geoffrey Giulini9:49 PM CST

    Society is so full of negativity it almost seems like it will never be the opposite.

  2. I was trying to upload a picture but didn't work out. but it says.
    From light comes darkness and from darkness comes light, none can co-exist without each other,just like you and me.

  3. Every society has negativity looming around it but the nations that can overcome that, they are able to progress.

  4. Sydney Schettler12:08 PM CST

    This reminded me of one of my favorite Kurt Cobain quotes "The sun is gone but I have a light". What I perceive of this is that even when times are dark you have to make the best of it. Life is what you make of it, and if you allow the pressure to consume you, you'll never find the light in the darkness.
    Section 6


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