Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

But don't panic

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists released a statement Thursday that the group's science and security board had moved the hands on the symbolic Doomsday Clock forward by 20 seconds to 100 seconds before midnight. Since the advent of the Doomsday Clock—even during the peak years of the Cold War—the clock's minute hand has never before advanced past the 11:58 mark.
In a statement on the change, the bulletin's president and CEO Rachel Bronson said the following:
As far as the Bulletin and the Doomsday Clock are concerned, the world has entered into the realm of the two-minute warning, a period when danger is high and the margin for error low. The moment demands attention and new, creative responses. If decision makers continue to fail to act—pretending that being inside two minutes is no more urgent than the preceding period—citizens around the world should rightfully echo the words of climate activist Greta Thunberg and ask: "How dare you?"


  1. I think we're closer to environmental extinction rather than nuclear extinction. Is this the point they're making quoting Thunberg?

    1. John Lasseter12:52 PM CST

      I'm leaning this way, too. However if it's in reference to nuclear war, it's a little close to "Boy who cried wolf" to me, but I wasn't around in the cold war but from what I've read things were much... icier then

  2. Section 5:

    With certain leaders not being responsible, I can believe there to be a nuclear war in the near future. The world is filled with greed and power. World leaders don't care about the future. Their only concern is how can they financially benefit from us, the inferiors. Whether it be nuclear war or climate change, the end is coming a lot faster than any of us can anticipate. It may be another 10, 100, or 1,000 years... but only time will tell. And that's a little terrifying.

  3. Geoffrey Giulini9:30 PM CST

    I feel like the doomsday clock is just a means to keep people afraid and to hinge the public from believing that world peace may be possible.

  4. I honestly feel like humanity is in fact accelerating off a cliff in so many ways, that in my opinion it should be much closer to doomsday

  5. No matter the case there will always be someone trying to change the world and in the process doom us all.


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