Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, November 14, 2011

Group 1 Section 16 Philosophazers

Factual: (T/F) Ludwig Feuerbach wrote The Essence of Christianity to reinforce the religious doctrine in a time of great doubt. (False)

Discussion: "Feuerbach noticed that if we have sensed the divine all along, and it turns out there is no God, then what we called divine was coming from us in the first place...we are divine."

If we sense the divine in a Descartian manner, but there is no God, why conclude that the divinity is our own rather than an illusory sensation? And, if we do feel this divinity, why would we choose to reassign it unnaturally without any real knowledge or God's nonexistence?

1 comment:

  1. This was a weird idea. I have heard the saying, its better to believe and there turn out to be no god, than to not believe and there be a god. I don't really support this idea, I don't think you are truley "converted" without truely believing without a doubt


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