Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Group 3 Sec. 17 Ringlets and Beards

Factual Question: True/False The book On Liberty was a call for religious freedom and an attack on the calcification of custom.

Answer: TRUE

Discussion Question: Do you agree with Karl Marx that social revolution is the means of dissolving religion? Consider his idea that the poor need religion while the rich become disconnected from it. If the state of desperation among the poor was eliminated, would they need religion?


  1. I think that Karl Marx made an interesting point. Religion can be a source of solace and hope for the poor, so their faith is almost a means of overcoming their daily struggles. The rich however, do not have to face the same struggles, so they may not be obligated to have a strong faith, or any at all. If reality became a utopia of sorts, would religion cease to exist? That is for the faithful to decide. I would think that if one's prayers were answered, and answered well, by God or whatever, their faith would be strengthened, not lessened. I do think that if mankind entered a time of utopia, religion would slowly become less important and eventually die.

  2. I think that it is a sterotype to say that all poor people turn to religion and all rich people become disconnected but I'm sure wasn't what was meant in the question. I think that it is very "personal" though and is to be taken by a case by case basis. The poor normally do one of two things: a) blame God and hate the idea of God or b) turn to God and ask for help. Wealthier people normally a) become obsessed with aquiring posessions and lose sight of God or b) praise God for their blessings. I think the quality of relationship to their religion/God determines the outcome of the situation described in the question. I definitely don't think that if the "state of desperation" was eliminated the religion wouldn't be "needed". Relgion is about much more than just struggles or good times and turning to or against God.

  3. I think Karl Marx assumed many generalities about Man. His often Utopic ideals have become an unobtainable dream thus far. Regarding the religious aspect, I believe all classes will always need religion...poor and rich. Religion can be a crutch to lean on, and not a particular crutch that is limited to the lower classes.

  4. I think that it is easier for less fortunate people to look to religion as a way out of their hole. I'm not saying that more fortunate people don't, as I've seen many fortunate people in church and seem very religious. I agree with Ally on the actions those people take.

  5. I think that religion gives the poor a sense of hope and security. I think the social revolution would disolve religion because it would change peoples outlook on life. But I still don't know though

  6. Bradlaugh did not believe in God. True

    Why did bradlaugh feel so strongly about his beliefs?


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