Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, November 28, 2011

Group #4 - Section 017

Factual: In the Cold War era, if you were a publicly known atheist in America you were known as what?
A) Communist
B) Satanist
C) Political Leader
D) Hero

Answer: A

Discussion: One of America's main focuses in the Cold War was setting ourselves aside from communists in the sense that we believe in god. Do you believe this had anything to do with the real issues of the Cold War?

1 comment:

  1. I couldn'tpost my questions to the wall so I'll post them here...
    -What is Satans last name?
    -Which came first the chicken or the egg?
    -In court, do athiest swear to the bible?
    -Do dentist work on their own teeth?
    -Why are people full of it!! lol


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