Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, October 20, 2011


These questions are for Group 1, Section 1:

Topic: Falsafah
Q: When the Arabs came into contact with Greek science and philosophy a new breed of Muslim dedicated to an ideal they called the _______?
A. Falsafah
Q: What do you think Fayasufs' belief "God is reason" means? Would such a notion cause conflict? If so, why?

ps- I won't be able to make it to class today due to a death in my family.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amanda, I'm very sorry about your loss.

    But here are my questions:
    The Falsafah movement used what philosophy to interpret the koran?
    -Greek Philosophy
    In the text it states that the followers of the Falsafah movement "maintained that the Koran was a valid path to God for those who were incapable of finding their way to truth through reason--but for anyone ho could follow the path of reason, well, that was more exquisitely true." I'm not sure if I understand how this group of skeptics could respect both ways to reach truth. How is this possible? Is it not contradictory?

  3. Factual:
    Q-Which dynasty brought the Muslim world its first golden age?
    A-The Abbasid dynasty

    How do you think the "terrific interpretive error" of the Arab-speaking world (believing that Aristotle and Plato were the same person) affected the way that the Fayasufs interpreted their understanding of the works? (Seeing as how they are two different concepts of the world/philosophy)

    Do you agree that the Fayasufs were contradictory to their beliefs in some ways? Why or why not? (And does this possibly have to do with their translation and interpretation of Aristotle/Plato?)

    (From what I understood, they seemed to be very contradictory, though they seemed to justify everything for themselves...Instead of having an Empiricist view, or a happy skeptic's view ["How do I know?" type view] they seemed to make everything have an answer, even if their reason contradicted itself. Does this make them sort of prideful? )

  4. i doubt my group will look at this, but because I missed last thursday, who is posting? we're behind on posting and it's worrying me. eep!


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