Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

4(16) Ockham

We didn't have time to discuss in class Monday, so I guess if it's cool with everybody, I'll just pick somebody's questions for the powerpoint? If anyone has anything specific they want put in the powerpoint, let me know tomorrow. Thursday we'll have "The School of Athens." My questions for this are:
Factual: Who painted the "school"? A. Michaelangelo B. Donatello C. Leonardo (Davinci) D. Raphael
Discussion: Can faith alone justify everything? Consequently, if a question can not be justified by faith, is the problem worth overlooking?


  1. my question: who was a teacher at the school of athens?

    Justifying? Hum. Idk if faith can justify ANYTHING. Thats a good question. I guess it might.

    Matthew Williams

  2. factual:Who all is featured in the painting?
    answer:plato, aristotle, socrates, alexander the great, alcibiades, xenophon, epicuris
    discussion: What does the body language tell us? is there any significant reason the figures in the painting are placed where they are and why they are positioned so?

  3. I don't think faith can justify anything. It may be a reason for something, but not a justification.

    Questions for Wednesday:
    Factual: When was "The School of Athens "painted? 1510-1511.
    Discussion: The traditional title for this painting is not Raphael's, what do you think he was trying to convey in this painting?


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