Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Our group discussion for today focused on the life of Boethius. He was executed for his philosophy and what he decided to believe in.

Fact Q?
What is Manlius Severinus Boethius most famous book? (written while he was in prison)
A. The Republic
B. Consolation of Philosophy
C. Twilight Saga

Discussion Q?
How can you find knowledge in doubt?


  1. I as not there for discussion because i had a death in the family but i believe you can find knowledge in doubt. Wether the knowledge you attain is relevant to what you are doubting or to growing one's perspective can vary. I think you find that knowledge in doubt when you are seeking truth. Not neccessarily proof, but truth that gives you a meaning which brings you peace.

  2. Anonymous1:32 AM CDT

    I believe in order to find knowledge you must seek, and in order to seek there must be questions involved. i think question and doubt can sometimes run hand in hand, in that somethings you are doubtful on therefore you ask questions in order to FIND an answer to your doubting. i think what isnt beneficial to the gaining of knowledge is doubting without a cause or concern to even find an answer.


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