Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Absentee group members

Some of us have been slacking. Please be advised once more: if you don't come to class and participate in group discussions on a regular basis YOU WILL NOT GET A GOOD COURSE GRADE. Showing up only for exams is simply not acceptable. That's slacking.

I didn't want to have to make this personal and public, but...

Effective immediately, group leaders should post the names of members who are present AND absent for each class. If you have a legitimate excuse for being absent you're going to have to present it directly to me. If you don't, I'm going to have to assume you're slacking.

Also: every group member should post,in the comments space, a factual and a discussion question pertaining to the next class's assigned material prior to class.

To the majority who've been doing their job, thank you. And, thank you for tolerating the slackers. You shouldn't have to.



  1. It would be highly helpful if we had more time for group discussion in class, and I'd say there is a connection between that and absences. It's really hard to get the post done properly and grasp the ideas we are supposed to be sharing with everyone if we haven't even had ample opportunity to discuss our topic as a group. Ten minutes is hardly sufficient, especially in a group where all/most of the members are intelligent and have much to say.

  2. I intend for groups to have more discussion time. But people aren't skipping class to lobby for a few more minutes of face time with their peers. I think they're probably doing it just because they mistakenly believe they can. It's very disrespectful to classmates and fellow group members, and (incidentally) it's killing their grades.

  3. I would agree; it's very disrespectful to the other members of the group, especially on days when we do get ample discussion time. It's hard to carry on group discussion when some of the members aren't even there. I will say though that the Blackout game was probably to blame last week!


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