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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

H01 – Larissa’s Midterm Post 3/4: The Twilight Saga

Oh no! Attack of the Newborn Vampires! Look at the trailer of Eclipse.
A classic vampire: an uncontrollable, bloodthirsty, force to be reckoned with. So far in the series, we’ve been presented with quite the opposite view. Until now. The newborns have no self control and barely even seem human. They’re very animalistic. What is different about them compared to the Cullens? Physically, they both have super strength. Granted, newborns have super super-strength. But, both are superior to humans. Plus, the Cullens aren’t really your typical vampires. They drink animal blood: they’re vegetarians. The newborns . . . well, drink human blood. Both are so different but they’re the same species.

What makes a person a person? Kant thought that your ability to think makes you a person. Well, we have the newborns who clearly do not think. They follow their instinct, which is driven by their thirst for blood. The other vampires overcome their instinct by using logic. Kant also said reason makes humans different from animals. The Cullens have reason, no? I mean, they go to school, drive cars, and basically live life like humans do. The newborns, however, do not seem to have reason. More importantly, are instincts not a form of reason? How do we even know that other animals don’t have reason and only act based on instinct? Besides, humans use both. For the most part, vampires do too. But, when in the presence of blood, it seems like their instincts outweigh their logic. Even the vegetarian vampires lose control and follow their instincts sometimes.

Older vampires and vampires who have dealt with blood for a longer time seem to be “immune” to its effects: they have more control. They choose who to act like: animals or humans. If they are capable of choosing, then they have the ability to think, which could classify them as a human. I mean, they used to be a person. But, vampires really can’t be people. It’s more like they’re a different species and they choose to have humanity in certain aspects. They do some pretty horrible things: some that we may even view as unethical.

What do vamps themselves view as absolutely intolerable: werewolves. They each have a loathing hatred for the other. An example of multiculturalism, in Eclipse, when Bella’s life is at risk from the attack of the newborns (and the older vampire commanding the newborns), both species come together to save the day.


In previous books, werewolves and vampires barely spoke: A. They’re mortal enemies B. They have completely different lifestyles and C. They hate each other. They do not interact. In fact, they have a treaty. As long as the vampires don’t bite a human, the werewolves won’t try to kill them.

Both species have different viewpoints on things. They have to agree to disagree. Even now when they combine their efforts to try and save Bella, they still don’t agree. But, both sides are trying to understand the other, rather than not even trying to listen to the other side. Well, for the most part. This is good. It’s a step in the right direction. They’re tolerant; however, the relationship is very strained. Is it even worthwhile for wolves and vamps to get along? Well, both sides have to work together to stop the newborns. It seems to be that working separately does not accomplish nearly as much compared to when they collaborate and work together.


Word Count thus far: 1862


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