Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

From Darwin to Pastafarianism

It’s DarwinKierkegaardMarx, and Scientific Realism today in CoPhi.

What was the best mindless eye-opening idea anybody ever had, Dan Dennett?
If I were to give an award for the single best idea anyone has ever had, I’d give it to Darwin, ahead of Newton and Einstein and everyone else. In a single stroke, the idea of evolution by natural selection unifies the realm of life, meaning, and purpose with the realm of space and time, cause and effect, mechanism and physical law...

Continues at Up@dawn
Matthew's report on the Pastafarians and their beloved FSG this morning was so inspiring, I had to have Ramen for  lunch. What makes that stuff so good, besides the 29 cent cost? Must be the MSG in the noodly appendages. Anyway, I hope he'll post his slideshow. The serious point is that Intelligent Design is not science. Faith is not evidence. Darwin was probably right: this is a subject that exceeds human conception. So, might as well allow ourselves to have a little fun with it.

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