Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What is Life really About Sec 14-2

Many people go through life wondering how they should live their life that they’re giving. Most people don’t even know how to live life; in fact a lot of people don’t know the meaning behind their life. Living life with questions on how to live is a problem that can be solved by many ways. I personally feel we should life with no regrets and do the things we want to do and therefore achieve our goals and leave out all the negativity we come across alone. If people would live their life happily in their own form, then things in life would be way better and less conflict between groups would happen.

Philosophy is where people gather information and do research to prove to others on what they believe or their beliefs is correct, but in term, there is no right or wrong answer, for everyone could be right. Comparing philosophy and life, Epicurus was an ancient Greek philosopher who believed that people should live life happy with peace and freedom and also live sufficient life surround by friends. He taught that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and evil; death is the end of both body and soul and should therefore not be feared; the gods do not reward or punish humans; the universe is infinite and eternal; and events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space. Epicurus felt that whatever is good is pleasurable and whatever is bad is pain.

In life many people surround themselves around the wrong people who they think are their friends and then things go downhill from there. When we as people surround ourselves around negative people, we are just as negative when we are with them because it reflects off on us. When people are negative towards others, how can they possibly be at peace when everything to them is a hatred attitude or even pain they’re feeling from having so much anger? Even though a lot of people say that the bad overcomes the good, which is somewhat true because we often notice and acknowledge the bad instead of the good, but really in reality the people doing the bad are suffering and feeling more pain than good because the good know they done the right thing rather than evil. Even though the bad outweighs the good, the ones doing the good are feeling more of pleasure their life rather than suffering because when we do good in life we are at peace with others and ourselves.

Another thing is how can we say we’re happy if we’re not able to have our own freedom to do what we want? For example, many people feel the use of marijuana should be legal as long as their indoors and minding their own business, but the law of having marijuana is illegal and therefore if caught with or using marijuana you can get jail time. How can people find their happiness if marijuana makes or put them in a state of happiness but yet they’re not allowed to use it? The point I’m making is certain things make others happy and find their freedom through whatever that thing is. I’m not saying all things should be allowed because there should be laws on some things, but I feel if it’s not bothering or harming people or others then, therefore we should allow it to be of use and let people actually have their freedom to do whatever they want. As Epicurus said, “people should live life happy with freedom”, so let people live with that freedom they want.

In some places, certain cultures feel when we die our spirits will remain on earth even though are bodies are gone. So a question a lot of people ask is if ghosts are real? Well are they? I find myself saying no because I believe that once we die, we’re dead. As Epicurus put, we should not fear death because we are all going to experience it one day rather we like or not. In reality if people are living in fear, then how are they living? Many people feel that the reason ghosts are real because of the way the person who died spirit comes back to how they lived their life. For example, if that person was mean then their spirit will be evil, but if they were nice then their spirit will be good. Personally I feel the same as Epicurus about once we’re dead our body and soul is too, and therefore it’s in a different place. When people die, maybe their actions and ways are seen through others by different people which can make people believe and feel that the person isn’t dead because of the way they seen someone with the same type of ways and characteristics someone reminded them of. 

Last thing is that the world is never going to stop turning until the end of the world, so therefore everyone should find happiness within it. We’re all going to experience trouble in our life sometime whether it’s minor or major, we’re going to come across it, but the it’s up to us to handle it correctly. Many philosophers think that the bad comes out of us when we’re angry at someone or something, but I tend to feel that we just have that bad side come out and overtake us when we get frustrated. When we take our time to sort things out and look at how to fix the problem, that’s when we find how we can handle things easier and everyone is happier at the end. Certain things we do in this world affect others by whatever motion we give off and assuming if it’s good or bad, that’s how the situation will be handled.

In conclusion, our true happiness comes from within in us. I agree with Epicurus, because however we live our life is dependent on what we do. If we find peace with ourselves I believe we will have peace with others and things will go smoother. Also, we should do things we want as long as it’s not bothering anyone or harming anyone, and then our freedom shall be used. In all we live our life how we want, whether it’s good or bad, whatever path we choose, we will die with it, and be remembered by it.

1 comment:

  1. "...we should not fear death because we are all going to experience it one day" -

    Actually his point was that we're NOT going to "experience it"... but I know what you mean.

    "Don't worry, be happy" - Bobby McFerrin was an Epicurean.


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