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Thursday, March 7, 2013

These Aren't Feminists. This is Sunday Brunch with the Cast of Desperate Housewives! (Philosophy Midterm Post #3 - Final)

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Mrs. Mason, I appreciate your call about the brunch club. I have to say, I found the experience interesting, however…I don’t think I will be attending again. 

To be perfectly honest, your group is not exactly what I would call a “feminist organization.” When Meghan mentioned that you were holding meetings to discuss gender equality in America, I was thinking more along the lines of…you know, gender equality. Not spiffy southern belles in Lilly Pulitzer dresses discussing the secret to their so-called famous Deviled Eggs recipes. 

Yes, I know, that’s the purpose of brunch. 

(To read more, click HERE!)


  1. Very clever format and insightful social commentary, Chloe. The talk we hear lately about a "reset" for the next generation of feminists is not entirely encouraging.

  2. Great writing, that was fun to read. Feminism is a topic I've mulled over a lot, and your post was really insightful. Though I did not grow up in the South, it has influenced my treatment of women significantly. More and more I've come to see that the "southern gentleman" is built more upon pride than genuine respect.
    Part of what makes me wary of feminism (at least, extreme versions of it), is that its the trading one oppression for another. As a white, rich male, I have oppressed. But oppression is not overcome with more oppression, but rather forgiveness.


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