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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Emily Ball H1 Midterm Blog Post (2/4)

Goodness Shall Never Be Achieved
      "A good person can make another person good; it means that goodness will elicit goodness in the society; other persons will also be good." This was said by Bhumibol Adulyadej. In the case of Jack Sparrow, I think it would take many good people to change him to a "good" person based on society's terms. The second movie does not have as many philosophical references as the first movie, but there are a few distinctions in the characters.
      In the beginning of the movie, Elisabeth and Will are both arrested for conspiracy for piracy. They are in the predicament because the East India Trading company was beginning to arrest anyone that associated with pirates. The leader, Lord Beckett puts out a warrant for the arrest of Elisabeth and Will because they associated with Jack Sparrow. Personally, I do not believe that they committed enough of a crime to be arrested, much less sentenced to death. Lord Beckett shows no sympathy for either Elisabeth or Will. He is only interested in bettering himself. Some philosophers would argue that morally he is not a "bad" person. I do not see how I would consider Beckett a good person after everything that he did to many innocent people. Later on in the movie, Jack Sparrow trades Will to Davy Jones to try and settle his debt. This act of betrayal is one deed that adds on the the bad things Jack does as his character. Jack is a traitor to each side many time, so does this mean that he was truly not a traitor at all? By being a traitor, he is helping himself and many others. Even though he does not say it out loud, he has feelings for Elisabeth and Will. By having these feelings, he goes out of his waay many times to try and settle the waters so-to-speak between the three of them. In the movie, they are all searching for the Chest of Davy Jones. This chest will gve each of them what they want. To get what you really want in life, there must be a boundary that you are willing to cross. This boundary could be turning in your friends. Reaching the point of happiness may not make you a bad person, but it does give you some bad qualities if you do not watch out for those people that care about you.
Many people do not believe what Jack says simply because they think he has all bad intentions based on his character. They do not believe any good could come from him. That could be related to life now. If we are seen as a bad person, then people will probably not believe the truth that comes out of our mouths. To save everyone, Elisabeth takes charge and does what she assumes will even out the "score" with the other team. Elisabeth ties him to the boat and leaves him to get eaten by the Kracken. Personally, I think leaving your friend to get eaten by a large sea monster doesn't exactly qualify you for the good person of the year award. Just saying..
Here are a few funny pictures to lighten up your day. Hope you all enjoy!
Thats all for this post folks! Stay tuned for views on movie number 3!
Emily Ball


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