Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Inception Perception 14-4

I know this is supposed to look like a big long blog filled with interesting facts and ideas about the topic we read... but lets be honest.
We talked about Spring Break for the majority of the time. We DID talk about Stroud's example of a "marker" to tell us how we would be living in reality or in a dream, and how this reminded us of the movie Inception, when Leo spins the top and if it stops spinning, he's in reality. If it never stops, he's in a dream state.
How do we know what is real and what is not?


  1. I like that this post is short and to the point. This was one of those topics where we all just kind of agreed so without different viewpoints, the conversation did not really go anywhere. Honestly, this is one of those topics where if I thought too much about it, I just might go crazy. Because you could always be making the argument that you were in a dream, no matter what you saw. If we are not able to trust our senses, then what do we trust to know what is "real"? And then that, of course, leads to the question of what defines "reality"? It is just a topic that we could easily get lost in.

  2. Man, I'm sad that I missed class Tuesday, the topic seems like it was a good one! Can't wait to see what fantastic conversations we'll be having today!


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