Up@dawn 2.0

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Alternate questions Chapters 2 & 3 Don

1. What is Leibniz’s Law? (17).
2 .Give one example of an expression that has a sense but no reference. (21).
3. What is the general question revolving around ‘identity’? (23).
4. A consequence for the notion of ‘individual’ acknowledged by many Buddhist philosophers is that? (25).
5. When is ethnic identity acquired? (29).
What three items are the most salient criteria of ethnic classification and identity? (32).
7. What is the counterpart of stereotyping? (36).

Discussion Questions.
1.     How would you define personal identity? What are the strengths and weaknesses in the following attempt? Personal identity encompasses every physical and non-physical experience that an individual has from the moment they exist in their mother’s ovary to the moment they cease to exist.

2.     You cannot draw an identical circle with a pencil because even if the shape is the same, the lead on the paper will be slightly different along the path, but can you draw an identical mental circle?


  1. 2. Presidential Donald Trump

  2. DQ 1. I like the emphasis on experience, but I'm hazy about "non-physical"... Do you mean "mental"? That of course is philosophically problematic, as it seems to presuppose a Cartesian sort of dualism. Maybe it would be better to skirt the whole metaphysical issue, and just talk about experience simpliciter. Then, we can wonder if ALL experience is relevant, or equally relevant, to one's identity. My impulse is to say not. Some experiences are more equal than others, as Orwell might put it.


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