Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Identity and Gender-Role:

Week1 Essay
Pick one of the items in the 2d paragraph list on p.1, and discuss its identity: is it controversial, problematic, trivial,...? (For example, the identity of twins is to me a fascinating case study in the ways some siblings forge unique identities while others seem to conform and blend in. It raises interesting points about nature and nurture. It anticipates the kinds of ethical issues we may someday face if humans ever begin cloning themselves. Etc.)

I think this view of identity - gender- is very much on many people’s minds at the moment (Pride Month, News, etc.). Personally, I see the expectations people place on me as a wife (married a year ago) and my husband. I was told a few months ago that I “needed” a child. My husband was standing next to me. He did not need a child, just me. Also, I see myself playing the role of a wife. I do “female jobs”. I cook and clean while my husband does the labor outside or fixing toilets.
 My husband and I have discussed gender roles in some detail. Once, I was cleaning the bathroom and I asked why (why not my husband). I asked him about it. He said that the bathroom wasn’t dirt to him. Was I taught to see a “dirty” room and my husband was not? Was he taught how to do more handy work (because he is an engineer)? Do I take control of decorating because I am an “artist”? YES. But could it be the other way around? YES. I thought about becoming an engineer too. We both took art classes. But we were both encouraged in different directions due to our sex. It frustrates me that I do not have the foundational knowledge to fix a toilet. But, I try to learn from my husband some basic skills not taught to me as a "female". It is part of my identity that I am a female. And, as a result of growing up as a female, I was never given the opportunity to learn some of the skills my husband (more likely) has.
I believe male and female children are treated differently and learn differently. I watch people talk to little boys and girls differently. (“You are so strong”, “You are so pretty”, “You are so smart”, “You are a good girl ….”) Even little children will tell you what is for girls or boys. But, someone ‘taught’ them what is what. Children mimic what they see adults doing. Thus, gender is part of one’s identity at an early age. So much of my identity is fixed into my body’s label. I had no choice because I was born as a female, my hormones changed my body and shaped my mind, I was raised as a female, and my body still is female.  

    However, gender roles and gender are becoming more fluid. It is sparking controversy. Children are growing up “gender neutral”, people (adults and children) are changing their given sex. Thus, physical gender, gender roles, and the identity of gender are being questioned. Thus, gender carries a heavy view of one’s identity.

(Sydney Ray)


  1. Funny how people are so eager to tell us what we need. The real question for conscientious prospective parents, of course, is not about THEIR needs; the question is whether the prospective child needs THEM, and whether they're BOTH prepared to make the sacrifices and commitment good parenting requires. And isn't it interesting how many are still stuck in older gender-role notions. Glad my wife and I weren't deterred in flipping some people's expectations, the time I spent at home with our daughters in their most impressionable years was truly the best time of my life. How I miss our outings to parks, libraries, Bookstar, Phillips Toy Mart...

    The NYTimes recently ran a story on this subject, and specifically on the continuing maldistribution of housework even among guys who think themselves enlightened. The arc of moral progress is long, but it does slowly bend towards justice. Let's hope so anyway.

    But yes, the times they are a-changin'...

    1. And just today: And just today: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/11/upshot/why-women-but-not-men-are-judged-for-a-messy-house.html?action=click&module=Discovery&pgtype=Homepage


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