Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, May 4, 2015

Zach Newlin post #3 of 3

If there was not a God, would you still believe in free will?  Because without God then this idea of free will would have never existed. Various philosophers are brave enough to talk about or go in depth with their beliefs on free will. When philosophers do talk about free will, they also include this idea of “free will and determinism” or the term “liberty” gets brought up as another word to describe free will.  Thomas Hobbes best defines free will that “an agent is free, in those things that were in his power to follow his will”(LN 73).  This particular view of Hobbes is very interesting because Hobbes is saying that if it is in that persons will to do it then they act on their will by making their own decisions which would give them free will.  But who is to say that animals do not have this will that they follow to satisfy their needs as humans do.  Wild animals have the ability to make decisions where they live, where they like to eat, whether to hunt or attack. A good example showing this type of free will is say a bear is hungry and needs to feed his/her young, he/she has the ability to go wherever he/she desires to hunt and also has the choice to hunt and kill whatever they want.  If animals really do act on their will as a bear or any other animal would as humans do then that would mean that animals also have free will.  So if animals have free will then that changes things drastically.  Would there be a new definition to “free will”?  Will you change your views on free will? Its something to think about, explore, research and create your own philosophy on these controversial ideas.

1 comment:

  1. "without God then this idea of free will would have never existed" - I don't know what you mean exactly, but this begs the question before us. You could just as readily (and as falsely) contend that WITH God the idea would never have existed. Plenty of godless people (like Hobbes, probably-and he was a determinist) debate free will. They have an idea of it.

    We are in no position to declare with certainty that any particular idea is an infallible sign of divine creation.

    I think you and I are freer than a bear, since we seem to be in a position to make choices that directly confound our interests as well as advance them. That's what makes the life of a human philosophically interesting: that we at least SEEM to be in that position. It wouldn't occur to a bear, would it, to go on a hunger strike or a spiritual fast?

    Maybe the big question is not whether you'll change your views, but whether you're free to consider changing them.


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