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Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Purpose of Human Life

Final Report section #13

More specifically Aristotle’s Ergon Argument. To begin the definition of Ergon is “job” or “a task of something.” So, for short, it’s their purpose. For examplethe Ergon of a saw is to cut. Connected to that, is the definition of the word AretéThe definition is excellence or Virtue. So, using that saw for example again, the excellence of the saw is it’s sharpness. The question is do human beings have an Ergon or a function (Arete)
Aristotle says we do, and he has an argument for explaining himself. So, Aristotle has four classes of living things; plants, animals, humans, and gods. He defined these things by their capabilities. Plants are capable of growth and reproducing as well as energy. Animals are capable of growing, using energy, reproduction, and unlike plants, moving themselves. They also have perception like seeing and feeling. Humans are “animals with superpowers, according to Aristotle. We have all of what plants and animals have but also reasoning and language. Reasoning being that we can plan for the future, modify our appetite, participate in political campaigns, educate others, and develop music.  
So, what is the Ergon of a human being according to Aristotle. Going back to the capabilities of the human for reproduction, growing, and nutrition, though those are important, he said that they cannot be the ultimate purpose of our life. So, then that means there is only reasoning and language left to define us. He called us the rational animal” or “Homo sapien” meaning “wise man.”  

The things that are good for us can follow from this. Just like gardeners learn from what is good for their plants and veterinarians know what is good for their animals. Anthropologist and philosophers can determine what is good for our kind of living. Aristotle thought philosophers were god-like. So, in conclusion, he stated that doing philosophy is the ultimate end of our human existence.        


Quiz Question: 
What is the definition of Ergon? 
  1. Job/Purpose 
  1. economics 
  1. Excellence 
  1. Both a and c 
What are the four classes of living things according to Aristotle? 
  1. Plants, animals, humans, and gods 
  1. Animals, humans, workers, and trees 
  1. Gods, animals, dogs, and plants 
  1. None of the above 
What does Homo sapien mean? 
  1. Purpose 
  1. Evolution 
  1. Wise man 
  1. Man kind 

    Discussion questions: 
    Do you think there is an Ergon (purpose) to human life? Why or why not? 
    Do you agree with Aristotle that philosophy is the ultimate end of human existence? 

    -Scott Ayers, section 11

    -Morality and Ethics
    Section 11

1 comment:

  1. If rationality is our superpower, we (as a culture) must have encountered the Aristotelian version of cryptonite lately. Hoping we'll survive...


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