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Saturday, December 7, 2019

Final Report section12

The Philosophy of Beauty:

       “Beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations ( as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest.)” (Dictionary.com) Though when it comes to thinking of it philosophically beauty becomes much more than that, it becomes a value. According to Plato, beauty is an idea or from in which beautiful things were consequences. He expressed that on top of being able to identify a beautiful person or a beautiful painting, we are also able to “ have a general conception of Beauty itself, and we are able to identify the beauty in a person or a painting only because we have this conception of Beauty in the abstract.” (Aquileana) Meaning that the beautiful things we see are only beautiful because they participate in the more general Form of Beauty. The Theory of Forms is a theory that maintains two distinct levels of objective reality, “the visible world of sights and sounds that we inhabit and the intelligible world of Forms that stands above the visible world and gives it being.” (Aquileana)
The image on the left, shows theory of beauty failing within aesthetics and artistic value. The University of Nottingham states that, Aesthetic Value is the value that an object, event or state of affairs(most paradigmatically an art work or natural environment) possesses in virtue of its capacity to elicit pleasure( positive value) or displeasure( negative value) when appreciated or experienced aesthetically. Artistic Value is the value something that arises in the work of art itself and has its existential ground in that. Plato considered beauty as objective in the sense that it was not localized in the response of the beholder, rather by subjective judgement. Meaning each person determines whether something is beautiful or not. Plato stated, that “beauty is a pattern or form from which all beautiful things are deprived.” (Brown)
       On the other hand, Aristotle believed that beauty is above the useful and necessary. In the Aristotle and Socrates article it states that, Aristotle argues ‘that the useful skills, such as reading, writing and drawing, will allow one to experience beauty but are beautiful in themselves.” He goes on to say that beauty is not within an object but rather leads to finding beauty. Socrates though felt differently, he felt that an object greatly increases beauty, or even defines its beauty. He also proposed that “beauty was not found in something that simply gave delight as delight was able to be taken from God also. Socrates was convinced that physical beauty was not to be trusted. For example, an evil ugly man wearing rich and fine clothes may appear attractive to the eye, but the clothes only mask the true ‘beauty’ of the character.” (IM)

  My Thoughts on Beauty:    

       When I think of beauty, I think about what is within an object or person. Meaning I believe that beauty is your character just as Socrates states. Now not everyone’s character is beautiful and not everyone will agree with what is beautiful, what one may feel is beautiful within a person may not be agreed from another individual. Beauty to me is different for everyone, everyone is different that is what makes each of us beautiful in our own ways, at least that’s how I feel and view it. Rather than individuals within society viewing beauty as a physical thing, thy should look deeper into a person to really see their inner beauty which is the most important. To me physical beauty does not necessarily mean someone is beautiful because if your thoughts and the way you present yourself is not beautiful as well, then in my opinion the word beauty is not adequate.

Quiz Questions:
 What is Aesthetic Value?
 Aristotle believed that beauty was useful and necessary. (T/F)
How does Socrates view of beauty differ from Plato’s view?
What is the example Socrates uses to describe physical beauty?

Discussion Questions:
What is your definition of beauty?
How do you feel about Aristotle’s view on beauty?
How do you feel about Plato’s view on beauty?  


Links to Comments:


  1. Stephen Byers8:21 PM CST

    I strongly agree with Plato's views on beauty. I bealieve that it's important that people know that beauty can not be defined by a society or group of people, but rather it is completely subjective to each individuals eye, and it should be recognized as that more often.

  2. I would agree that not everyone finds the same beauty as the next. Its interesting to see what peoples view of beauty are and how they differ from person to person. I would say that everything and everyone holds beauty but up to what point do we find it to be beautiful.

  3. "According to Plato, beauty is an idea or from" - FORM, or Ideal eternal essence. Plato's idea about Ideas is that they're somehow more real: the abstract Idea(l) of Beauty is more beautiful than a beautiful person, place, or thing... Empiricists and pragmatists find this exactly backward.


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