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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Afterlife Final Report Section 13

Image result for hinduism afterlife
The first religion that I would like to talk about is Hinduism. Hindus have a very interesting take when it comes to the afterlife, when person dies they do not believe that the soul goes to heaven instead the soul of  that person is reborn and reincarnated into a new body in the next life. this is because in Hinduism the souls is suppose to be immortal and imperishable. What I thought was really cool was that in Hinduism death is only really temporary to them, the reason for this is that every soul is connected to what they call a living sentient substance called Jiva. it is said that when a person dies the Jiva (soul) of that person then will imminently be reborn. The way that the type of body or being that the soul will be  reincarnated into will be chosen by the type of karma that the person had while they were living. basically what this is saying is that a person who has done more good deeds in their past life will have a better chance of being in a much better and richer next life. were someone who has spent most of their past life doing bad deeds and collecting bad karma has a very high chance of being reborn as much lesser being such as an animal.

Image result for spiritualism Spiritualism
The next religion that I will be talking about is Spiritualism and how they look at the afterlife. one of the really cool things that I read was that when the person dies the soul of that person then goes to what spiritualist call the "spirit world".  while in the spirit world the spirit of that person will actually have a body and it has also been said while they are in the so called spirit world that the spirit itself is able to communicate with the living world. Another really interesting thing that i read was not only do the spirits get a body in the spirit world but the spirit would also have the same exact personality that they had when they were alive (I honestly thought this was pretty cool way to look at life after death). One of the last things that I would like to mention about the after life in spiritualism is that in order for a spirit to move on and reform the spirit must first have to deal with all the wrong that they have done while they were alive if that spirit ever wanted to move on.
Image result for christianity

The very last religion that I am  going to talk about and it view on the afterlife  is Christianity. Christianity has a pretty simple take when it comes to the after. For one in order for a soul to go to heaven that person must have had good behavior while they were living and the other requirement is that there person has full faith in god, But for people that have commit hateful sins such as things murder or any other unforgivable bad  deed that person soul will then be punished by being sent to hell. while in hell that soul will be punished for eternity, many Christians have difference view on this some of them believe that the punishment will be physical while other believe that it is spiritual. when it comes to going to heaven it is looked at by Christians as reward living a life full of virtue and being able to repent the sins that they have committed to god in order to sped their life in heaven.

Discussion questions
1.Why is a person reincarnated into a certain body? Is there any principle to decide?
2. Does the version of the afterlife that we get deepened on what we believe?

1.what religion believes in reincarnation after death?


  1. DQ: Why is a person reincarnated into a certain body? Is there any principle to decide?

    I believe the Hindu belief in reincarnation is directly linked to their caste system. They divide society into into different classes of people, which also determine who you can marry, where you can work, your education, etc. I think they believe that in each reincarnation you will move up the caste system if you have good Karma or be born in a low caste if you have bad karma. Can you imagine not being able to marry who you want, go to school, or work a professional job just because you were born in a certain caste level?!

    Section 13

    1. Good point! Much traditional and aspirational spirituality, in every culture, must have originated substantially in the actual conditions of life and society. The impulse to "move up in the world" in a succession of better lives would likely not have arisen in a more egalitarian society.

  2. Hinduism seems really interesting to me. I really enjoyed reading this. 11

  3. Please give this a thorough edit, there are several grammatical errors and incomplete sentence fragments that make no sense. ALso, link to your sources. And, address Erin's comment.

    "Christians belief is that heaven and hell are essentially deserved compensations" - Many Christians may believe it, just as many Hindus may believe in reincarnation etc. - but philosophically, are those beliefs credible?

  4. I am responding to question 1. Buddhism- Buddist believe they are reborn involuntarily or by good karma.

  5. Howie Schubert4:24 PM CST

    I am responding to question 2 - Spiritualism becasue while in the afterlife they have a spirit body and are still able to communicate with the living still.

  6. This is a very interesting post and topic to choose because it's something that goes deeper than to what religion is, but also afterlife and what other cultures believe in too.


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