Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Anderson "Howie" Schubert
Section 13
Final Report


Lies have been in use for a long time and is used by almost everyone and with the way it affects those who lie and the ones they are lied to in many ways. Many lies have been told on small scale like about homework in schools or to parents about what time we went to sleep. It even goes bigger within politics and companies now a days. We have to start with the small lies so we can believe the big ones.

Many people see lying as a big and problematic thing now a days. Even though it is one of the most common acts that is committed daily by many and is seen as an unavoidable part of human nature. Most people see lying being morally wrong unless they need to lie about something, and so is it wrong then? All the time? Most of the time? Who knows as everyone’s perspective on lying is different and can be taken in many different ways by others. Many see lying as a way of deception, but it is not really a way of deception. Lying has many aspects and parts that actually make it a lie. It is a form of communicating information, the liar intends to deceive or mislead, and the liar believes what they are “saying” is not true. Some philosophers believe that a lie requires a statement for it to be a lie. A philosopher writer, Sisella Bok, wrote a book on lying and she defines lying as, “an intentionally deceptive message in the form of a statement.” There are many different variations and versions of the definition of lying because many see it differently in and throughout life. Most in life wonder why lying is wrong and there are many good reasons as to why it is. We live in a world to where we trust one another and when we lie, we lose trust in others. Lying is seen as morally wrong to many. It corrupts the liar themselves and it can become a habit of theirs and can make them wrong doers in their daily lives then. Religions see lying as a bad as it uses god given gift of communication wrong. Some philosophers say lying is bad as they see language is essential to human societies and to use it truthfully. Lies can have many impacts on people who are told lies and even the lairs themselves are hurt as well. Many will wonder when it is ok to lie and many have wondered when that it is right to lie. Some have come up with a system to where it starts with you searching your conscience and see if the lie is justified, ask others what they think, and finally ask some individuals about it personally. Many who see lying as fine are known as utilitarian’s and they assess the rightness and wrongness of the act by looking at the consequences of the act. So they go through the consequences of telling a lie in their head and if it ends poorly by telling the lie they wont tell it then, but if it turns out just fine by telling a lie then they will tell the lie. But, there are still many factors that take place in their choices as well just like another human being.

1. Who wrote a book on lying?
2. What do religions see about lying?

Discussion questions: 
1. Why do you thin some people see lying being so bad?
2. What is your viewpoint on lying?


  1. "We have to start with the small lies so we can believe the big ones." Why would we want to do that?

    "Many who see lying as fine are known as utilitarian’s" - That's not quite right. Utilitarians do ask whether a given lie can be justified in terms of its likely consequences (as when lying to Nazis about the innocent people they want to murder), but that doesn't mean they "see lying as fine" in general.

    Give some specific examples of lies big and small that are ethically justified and that are not.

    Can you please give this a tighter edit, and fix the grammatical errors? And link to your sources (such as Bok's book on Lying).

  2. Cameron Ghalami
    D1: I think many people think lying is bad because it blurs the line between real and fake. Once being caught in a lie, this jeoprodizes credibility regardless whether or not it was a big or a small lie.
    D2: My philosophy on lying is that it is always better to tell the truth rather than to lie. Avoid answering the question if necessary.

  3. Cameron Ghalami
    D1: I think many people think lying is bad because it blurs the line between real and fake. Once being caught in a lie, this jeoprodizes credibility regardless whether or not it was a big or a small lie.
    D2: My philosophy on lying is that it is always better to tell the truth rather than to lie. Avoid answering the question if necessary.

  4. The reason why I believe people see lying as "bad" is because it can lead to unintended consequences and because the lies can eventually catch up to you and make things go wrong. I know that lying is a wrong action, but I also think its inevitable. We are bond to lie in my opinion. Why? because we all make mistakes that cannot be erased.


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