Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Section 13 Group 2 10/02

Today in class we discussed Voltaire. The main topic we talked about was whether big, devastating, events in our life bring us closer to god, or if they push us away.  Voltaire would say that they push us away. Why would god kill thousands of people from a tsunami?  It's definitely a tough question, but Leibniz would disagree, and it would bring him closer to god.  He says that we live in a perfect world and that some of the bad things must happen to have a better future. 

1 comment:

  1. Jacob Williams10:02 AM CDT

    Deep discussion last meeting. I suppose everyone reacts differently to tragedies and devastating events. Some might question why God would do such a thing, and others might not put the blame on God. as for Kant, I think that he might have over-philosophised some of the ideas that he was attempting to tackle.

    Did Kant believe humans should ever lie? No

    Do you think acting simply out of compassion is morally good?


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