Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

section 11 group 4. Jared Khan final post #3

A controversial discussion relating to Abortion:

What makes me, me? What makes you, you? What makes Jared, Jared? What makes someone who they truly are? I strongly believe that the experiences of someone’s life are what make that person who they are. The joyful times, the heart breaks, the laughs, the fights, the loves, the hates, everything that happens in your life results in you as the product. Therefore, after establishing this I want to take this in a different more controversial subject. Abortion. Is it right? Is it wrong? Should all women be allowed to have an abortion? Should only women in certain circumstances be allowed? If it’s early enough is it right? If it’s too late is it wrong? Well, as we established earlier what makes someone who they really are? The experiences of that person’s life are what makes them them. Now if a woman gets pregnant but she can’t afford to support it, let’s say she wants to get an abortion. It seems very irresponsible of her to get pregnant if she can’t afford it but should she be allowed to have the abortion? If the unborn child has never cried, if the unborn child has never thrown up, if the unborn child has never laughed, if the unborn child has never farted, if the unborn child has never fallen down and been hurt, if the unborn child has never been born yet then it has never experienced anything. We established earlier that the experiences of someone’s life is what makes them who they are. If it has no experiences to define it then it is not a person, it is just a living organism at that point.

1 comment:

  1. As you say, a difficult and sensitive topic. But I love my life (warts and all) and am grateful to my parents for it, no matter when I became a person. I hope we can all agree: life is too precious to be wasted.


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