Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Philosophy and typical teenager post 2: Section 8

Moving from the first characteristic which was the dramatic changes in appearances I am now going to discuss the mood swings and withdrawal from normal life experiences with a typical teenager.
Just to list some of the common reason why some teenagers withdraw from family members be aware that this relates to shy teenagers as well. Many teenagers are self conscious about their appearance which goes back to my first point as a typical teenager. Leading them to be really to them selves which they are always locked in their rooms hiding from the world. Another reason is underdeveloped social skills. In many cases children grow up in a small household which they have no or few siblings which cause them to lack social skills. Some children   don't know how to hold a conversation or engage in normal activities with their peers. That  causes them to have insecurities of their own because they have little or no friends. So at what point should teenagers be socially active? Should they learn how to become social in their younger years? I do believe so. I have a professor this semester who doesn't want his children to be monitored by anyone but him or his wife. For example he does not place his children in day care or after school activities because he fears anyone else raising his children. But what does that do to a child mentally? Mentally that is damaging because they are not getting that experience to learn how in interact with anyone besides their siblings. I believe if teenagers where involved in more activities with people their own age it will give them a better social practice. Many teenagers who withdraw back from the outside world also withdraw from their families as well. They have no interest in being involved with family outings and activities. They tend to lock themselves in their room and do nothing all day. In most cases that leads to depression. Teenagers become depressed and angry with the world around them for no reason causing them to build anger. Prior to that many teenagers become really rebellious to those around them and cause more problems than should. That is the typical rebellious teenager. My question prior to teenage withdrawal life is do you think it is important to make your children get involved in school activities such as basketball, football, cheerleading, and other clubs which will get them prepared for their social future?


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