Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Alternative questions July 24

Alternative questions:

1. Tarver argues that many white fans’ apparent idolization of black athletes treats them more like _______ than _______? (3).

2. Conceptual clarification always requires the assertion of what? (9).

3. What are two problems with Giulianotti’s taxonomy of fans types? (16-17).

4. Normative claims about what makes a “good” fan turn on specific beliefs about the proper content or expression of what two components? (19).

5. Who invented the baseball “box score”? (30).

1 comment:

  1. The box score is crucial to baseball, it's all about accountability and comparative record-keeping. Same for "keeping score," a form of fan engagement that I find myself increasingly isolated in. The keynote speaker at my most recent Baseball in Literature and Culture Conference (see the slideshow under the quiz, if you're curious... but you're probably not, especially you soccer fans) spoke eloquently and at length about scorekeeping as the heart and soul (I'm trying not to say ESSENCE, one of the bad words of our course) of baseball. Oh well, I'm a dinosaur. As Huck Finn said: Alright then, I'll go to hell.


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