Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, July 8, 2019

What If Life Did Not Originate on Earth?

I'm still enjoying the beach, and my beach read: Michael Collins' Carrying the Fire. It's a good place to contemplate stars and rockets and life's origins & destiny. Collins wants us to go to Mars, and become Martians. (Or are we already, literally or figuratively?) That would be identity-expanding. I'll bet Collins agrees with the molecular biologist Gary Ruvkun.
...I think viewing life as having started here is a little bit presumptuous. It seems we’re very, very, very special and it all happened here. I find the idea aesthetically appealing that life as we know it is universal across the Milky Way. It just seems like, once it evolves, it spreads. And one way to argue this is running the clock forward instead of running it in reverse. If we’re really talking about colonizing Mars, step one is to send bacteria to Mars to a generate an atmosphere. So if you run the clock forward a million years, presumably, we will be sending bacteria to planets a million light years from us...


  1. Why did I just hear the X-files theme music? I find this a very interesting take on human existence. Maybe we are all just ant under someones giant magnifying glass (it certainly has felt like it the last few days). I wonder too why all the world's major religions derived from one region and all have origins in the legacy of Abraham. If you looked at this coincidence from a long lens,you ask yourself is this God's idea of a master plan or some alien race's idea of a sick joke. Things that make you go huh.

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  2. Hang on, buddy! ;) Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Shinto, Sikhism and other major world religions didn't originate in the same region as the Abrahamic faiths nor do they have roots in Abraham.

  3. Oh I know that. I'm talking about the major three Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Just wildly pontificating. Just trying to humorous mostly.


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