Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, July 22, 2019

Apollo 11 Documentary

I really wish I knew about this movie before it came out and made plans to see it in IMAX. Since I was born in QUITE a bit later, I never got to see this event. Both my parents remember it. So, this documentary interests me because it is the original footage (not CGI everything is CGI). I will keep my eye on it so I can at least watch it at home one day!


  1. “Houston.....the Eagle has landed.” I was not quite nine when this happened so memories of it are a little hazy. Look forward to seeing this as well!

    1. That is such a cool memory though! Sadly my generation’s collective memory is 9/11.

  2. A couple of other documentaries digitally remaster old films and take us back in time. Both of these are war films but what’s impressive are not the machines but the people, part of our shared humanity.

  3. I was 12. It's a vivid memory, and one that set me up for disappointment. Where's my jetpack? Why can't I holiday on the moon and Mars for less than a fortune?

    On Saturday I had a great time watching CSPAN's re-broadcast of the actual CBS telecast of Walter Cronkite and Wally Schirra narrating the moon landing and walkabout. It's probably on the website too. Took me right back to July '69.

    Also highly recommended: Rocket Men, by Robert Kurson.

    1. "When I discovered that Apollo 8 was the only crew in which all the marriages survived (astronaut careers were notoriously hard on marriages) it didn’t surprise me. In a singularly beautiful story, it seemed only fitting that the first men to leave Earth considered home to be the most important place in the universe.”

    2. Sadly, my generation’s childhood memory is 9/11. As mentioned in class it did bring the nation together... but not the best way/ outcome. I hope to see advancements for space travel - for education (and see advancements of keeping earth healthy too).


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