Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tennessee bill would let students have concealed handguns on public college campuses


Two Republican lawmakers want to allow students at Tennessee's public universities and colleges to carry concealed handguns.

Rep. Rush Bricken and Sen. Janice Bowling, both R-Tullahoma, have introduced a bill that would give students the ability to carry a weapon on campus.

According to the legislation, HB 2102 and SB 2288, registered students authorized to carry a concealed weapon would be able to take them anywhere on property that is owned, operated and controlled by their public institution.

The effort comes several years after lawmakers approved a measure that lets full-time faculty, staff and other employees to carry guns on campus. [see the "POV gun" in the sidebar]

The move would place Tennessee in a minority of states that allow students to carry weapons on campus, with about a dozen states permitting the practice.


  1. I think it is a good idea, as long as people get correct training and guide lines on have it. But they should add like a yearly class after obtaining the concealed carry.

    1. Hey Ty,
      Would you be willing to support the notion of spending more of your resources on tackling mental health rather than going all out Oprah Winfrey and passing out 9 mm on college campuses? Section 11

    2. Muad can you elaborate more on what you mean by that.
      I'm not saying that were handing out firearms, and that's not what the bill is even stating. But to answer your first part of the question, yes I support the idea of utilizing resources for mental health.

  2. I think it's a horrible idea. So does the rest of the civilized world. Gun-toting "good guy" Americans fantasize that they're going to save the day, sometime, when the reality is that putting more lethal weapons in the hands of civilians raises the death toll of innocent life.

    1. If anything it only adds to the stigma of firearms in public places. The studies also show that younger firearm owners aren't too competent with them.

    2. so your saying that people who think this is a good idea are uncivilized people. From my experience I have only meet a very small number of people that have even mention about "saving the day"if it would ever occur, and that was from military personnel and some police officers.

      A lethal weapon can be anything that can be used to cause bodily harm or death.

  3. #5
    I find this to be a very good idea, in an FBI study of 160 Active Shooting incidents over 40% of them were resolved either by the shooter committing suicide or the a civilian taking action prior to law enforcement arriving. Also depending on which statistics you account for some say 96% of mass shootings are in "gun-free zones". The counter statistics decides to add shootings in a private residence and gang related as well which strikes me as odd as the concept of "mass" to me is indiscriminate.

    F.Y.I. "I am a Gun-toting 'good guy' American", and its not to fantasize of saving the day, it is to remain alive and protect my family. We can disagree, however claiming those who disagree with you are uncivilized or that you know others motives is not having a debate.

  4. I don’t know weather this is a good thing or bad thing but, I do believe it is a result of the government’s tendency to accept “broken” laws that have been previously put in place and add more laws according to its grey areas. Rather i believe our government should be more aggressive with how they shape our laws because some laws and societal norms are very dated and should be treated as so.

  5. I personally don't believe in students carrying weapons on campus when they are still learning how to adequately conform to public norms.

    1. The minimum age to obtain a Concealed Carry Permit is 21, so many of the students who would even be eligible to carry would need to be either Seniors, or people like myself who are older students many of which are also veterans.

  6. Section 6

    So long as they obtain the gun legally and have their CCP then i really don't see an issue. Even brandishing a weapon can ward off a potential attacker.

  7. Sydney Schettler11:54 AM CST

    I believe that if guns were brought on campus, it would create more harm than good. The presence of weapons such as this would create violence because there are always those people who would go farther than self defense. A taser would be enough for self defense, not a weapon that has the potential to kill and stir up violence for people who are just trying to go to class or to their dorms.
    Section 6

  8. Kaylee Cooke12:31 PM CST

    I don’t think it would be the best idea because it could create more violence. I feel like it would start many arguments among students and staff. Some people believe in carrying guns and some people don’t. I think it will cause more harm than good in the end.

  9. This is a tricky subject. I feel like we need more data to support or reject this bill. #6

  10. Jaylen Bass2:30 PM CST

    I feel as though this is a touchy subject. But in my opinion I agree with the fact that everyone who is not a felon should be able to protect themselves no matter where they are. Now on the other hand I do not know how I would feel if I was in class with people who had guns on them no matter if I had one on me or not.

  11. I honestly feel that many republicans need to stop dodging the major issue, which is the source of American mass shootings that issue, of course, is our mental health crisis.

    1. That is the position of many Republicans, it isn't the weapon that kills but rather the individual.

  12. Geoffrey Giulini1:05 PM CST

    In most cases where an active shooter situation is going on, i believe that while police reaction time to the situation is fast, I don't think it is fast enough, and this can sometimes cause more deaths while police officers are rushing to the scene. If there are law-abiding citizens carrying weapons around with the intent of stopping an active shooter, why stop them?


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