Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, April 20, 2020

The 2020 Fantasyland connection

I recently saw this picture on twitter and could not help but to think about Fantasyland. What do you guys think? Are Americans entitled to their own opinions, even when it puts other peoples lives at risk? I'd have to say I completely disagree!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i think this video goes with this post .

  3. As we've noted before, we're entitled to our own opinions but not to our own facts... nor are we morally entitled to place our own selfish interests above those of the community, or to jeopardize public health for personal convenience. The fantasyland connection is clear: these protesters are asserting what they see as their inborn "right" to believe whatever they please and to act accordingly. It's selfish, reckless, and in the current crisis potentially life-threatening. These would-be defenders of freedom would do well to read John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty"-particularly his articulation of the harm principle. They are potentially inflicting great harm, and infringing others' freedom.

    1. I agree it goes against my morals, however I have no right to tell others what their morals should be nor does anyone have that authority over me. Different factions of society will always morals that contradict each other.

    2. We don't have the right to coerce one another. We have every right to engage in rational persuasion and public discourse, and to tell others when we think their assertions of personal liberty are taking liberties with the public good.

  4. I agree with you, these actions are hurting others and putting them at potential risk. So no, I do not believe that people should be entitled, because it is hurting others.
    section 5

  5. It is typical for people not to understand or relate to problem until they are personally experiencing it. However I also think that there was and is probably better ways of handling things then just creating a vacuum in an already faulty economy.

  6. First, I think people that aren't protecting themselves are not the brightest. With that being said, as adults, they should be able to choose what they want to wear, or not wear, in regards to PPE.

  7. 5

    While I agree that this is potentially stupid and dangerous it is still their right to do it. The government does not have the authority to tell people they are not allowed to assemble, and if they assert they can see amendment 1.

  8. Yeah, I think that is one is weird. I don't see how wearing a sanitary mask can affect your body in the ways that this tagline is usually used for. I think it actually kind of cheapens it's use for other issues that actually harm women. This almost makes me think of the anti-vaxxer idea too. The idea that yes you're making a choice, but then your choice is also affecting those around you and could even get them killed.

  9. The government imposes laws in the interest of public safety all the time. It’s in the interest of solidarity. A speed limit is the same principle. Why are people so unconcerned with the health of others under these circumstances? #11

  10. #5

    I continued to go out and my mom actually got mad at me because even though I live by "if it's my time to go, it's my time to go" she asked why do I not care enough about her and her boyfriend's health. I suppose I have a hard time caring at the same level as some people because no matter how much protection we use, we are still spreading germs the same way we did before the pandemic started.

    1. Yes, but the viral curve in a pandemic is a game-changer. You need to care. We all do. As the libertarian saying goes, “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.”

  11. Yeah, fantasy land was right on the money tbh, the fact people protested the government's recommended policy of staying inside is crazy....

  12. I can't believe that people have the audacity to protest quarantine/lockdown orders during a worldwide pandemic, there really are some selfish people out there. #StayHomeSaveLives

  13. I do believe that people need to be more wary of the precautions the health officials are discussing. A majority of people that are protesting have the "well I will never get that sick" mindset which is quite terrifying honestly. We are all entitled to our own thoughts and opinions bur it does not mean that those opinions are ethically sound for the rest of society.

    Section #5

  14. You can have an opinion, however when your actions threaten the safety of the public there should be consequences. section 6

  15. I believe people will go with what they’re told for as long as it doesn’t intervene with their lives for too long. It’s a shame that the state governments can’t act together and decide either to continue to isolate for as long as it takes to be safe or to just continue life as is knowing the risks. If they choose the latter, own it


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