Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Doctors from California give their perspective on COVID-19


Has the response to coronavirus been too aggressive or not aggressive enough? The video is long but worth the watch. I will also add that youtube keeps removing the video which I find interesting. Let me know what you think.


  1. Is there a transcript, or can you give us a brief summary of the highlights? Why do you think YouTube removed it?

  2. The doctors gave data from their county and the state of california and explained that they felt the virus was not much different from the flu as far as death rates, contagiousness, and severity. This was based on what they had seen in their hospital and based on their data. They explained that they were being pressured to list COVID-19 as causes of death for people who ultimately dies from other causes such as COPD. They explain that it no longer makes sense to quarantine the healthy. The virus is not going away just because we stay inside. He explains that staying inside and limiting exposure to other things for long periods of time actually decreases the immune system. He says that the initial response to quarantine was appropriate because hospitals were not prepared and we did not have enough data or knowledge of the virus to accurately assess the risk, but now we do and it no longer makes sense to quarantine everyone. He also explains long term issues that can and will arise of we continue to quarantine such as economic issues, mental health issues, suicide, domestic violence, etc. I think the media is picking and choosing what they want the public to see. I do not know why or what the motive is, but after watching the news I truly believe they are attempting to skew the public's opinion. I also think the media is trying to make a political issue out of something that has nothing to do with politics. The coronavirus isn't republican or democratic. I would like to see more unity among our country instead of trying to find someone to blame.

    1. YES! I agree with you that the media is twisting information on this whole thing, and the politicians are using the downed state of america as a means to build up their political platform whilst not caring about what is actually going on on the front lines. We should definitely do something about the media and their coverage on this virus because they are just spreading fear rather than hope. Its disgusting to see this on the news every day.

  3. Thought so. These are conspiracy-mongers, wildly out-of-step with medical/scientific consensus. I don't know that they should be censored, but their statements are analogous to yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater in a time of pandemic. Much better to err for now on the side of caution and life, and later -- when the pandemic has definitively subsided -- we'll have the luxury of reflecting at leisure about whether the response was excessive. Not sure which news you're watching, but compared to the White House briefings the news accounts I've seen have been a model of circumspection and journalistic responsibility. Lives are at stake, and on a global scale the impact and morbidity of COVID-19 have been multiple-times worse than flu. My daughter lives in LA County, where the concentration of illness is alarming.

    Beware conspiracy theories. Always.

  4. It is always difficult when you hear/read reports like this. On the one hand, it is very possible that the national media is censored (unlikely, however, due to freedom of speech), and sometimes there is another perspective that is not usually spoken of on the national news. However, there are many theories that have completely no merit and are put forth by people who have done no professional research and have no professional training on the subject. Unfortunately, many people have a propensity to believe these "theories".


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