Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, April 13, 2020

Before "everydayness" returns

"This changes everything," people often say in times of crisis, and then things quickly revert to "normal"... Will it be different this time?


  1. "Everydayness" has me reflecting my life now and how my "normal" used to be before the quarantine. I have been able to free my mind from those stresses in life that are unnecessary when I think about. Just the college campus environment in itself had become a stressful setting for me. So it is rather refreshing to be able to do my work with my family and my dog near me.

    Section #5

    1. In times of trouble, keep family close and your dogs closer: a good motto for this moment! (And an improvement on that old cliche about keeping enemies close.)

  2. The question is what is normal? The situation with covid-19 will have a deep economic impact. I would not be surprised if unemployment numbers remained pretty high after everything and business go back to normal production and sales.

    1. I agree with that question because due to the impact of the Coronavirus a lot of businesses will be shutting down so it definitely won’t be normal for them in a while even after this crisis

  3. I think overall, things will just go back to normal. People keep saying that nothing like this has ever happened, and maybe that's true in some ways but not entirely. The US had a big crisis over the spanish flu about 100 years ago and then there was the whole swine flu ordeal when I was in middle school. I mean, there was even another toilet paper crisis in the 70s. Things all eventually went back to "everydayness" then and it probably will happen again. It make take a little while but it'll happen.

  4. As these big world events go, the change starts off in an extremely drastic manor. As time goes by, much like with a parent being worn down by a screaming child, the change gradually gives way to pre-crisis times. This crisis will leave a mark, sure, but as it becomes a memory, the big changes will vanish.
    Section 5

  5. The entire world is at a halt because of the situation and the sooner people follow precautions, the sooner all of this will end.
    Section #6

  6. This quote is profoundly beautiful. In today’s world I feel like we view something finite as lesser than the alternative. However, there is a simplistic beauty to the fact that we won’t here forever, and that makes how we spend our limited time here on this pale blue dot even more significant. Section 6

  7. The initial shock of social life and physically going places outside of the essential designations is a tough pill to swallow. As life continues to feel normal in this now almost fully virtual world, it definitely has made me realize the beauty of what we lost. The amount of families I’ve seen having fun outside to my own experiences of finding new hobbies and appreciating other ways of life. While this scenario we find ourselves in obviously is not okay, it does not hurt trying to find the positive in such a bleak time

  8. I believe things will go back to an altered normal where we are more health conscious. I believe there will be a lot more mask wearing and hand washing, and there will be more health precautions used in business. The government will also probably put in place a better system to deal with pandemics as well.


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