Up@dawn 2.0

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Suspended Belief in America: Sea Monkeys

Saw this on youtube and thought it went really well with the topics discussed in Fantasyland, the book we are reading for class. It describes the somewhat exploitation of kids desires in the 1960s one man, Harold Von Braunhut, decided to delve into. I thought it was interesting. :)


  1. I just watched the first few minutes, maybe you can give us a summary of the rest? Looks like it's about the exploitation of desire AND credulity...

  2. Camden W. H-032:50 AM CDT

    Oh, it is definitely about exploiting credulity in children as well. The rest of the video goes on to explain how Braunhut had invented several other toys that preyed on the naivety of kids from x-ray glasses to literally marketing an "invisible goldfish" that came with everything you'd expect to take care of a fish without, of course, the fish.
    The video continues to uncover the dark past of Braunhut, showing video footage and documentation of him actively in an anti-semitic, white supremacist group. This falls more in line with the title of the video but I thought a good amount of the content was intended to shed light on how this guy fooled American youth into buying tiny shrimp as if they were exotic extraterrestrials, again supporting the ideas expressed in Fantasyland.


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