Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, August 30, 2012

What is philosophy? (section 13, group 2)

In this morning's class meeting, August 30th, we started to discuss what philosophy means to us, what we think it is, and what we expect to learn/encounter in this introduction class.  Before we jumped into the topic of philosophy, everyone in our group introduced themselves.  We discussed majors, year in school, and common interests.  This helped break the ice for the rest of the semester.  When it came to the topic of philosophy all of us were unsure on what it really is, or an exact definition, which it doesn't seem to have one. None of the group has had any previous classes pertaining to philosophy. We decided that philosophy seems like questioning anything and everything, even math!  The group then moved onto what personal values and moral systems they held with themselves.  We found that most of us have the same standard values, but we may have not obtained them from the same sources. Overall, it was a good first group meeting!


  1. Does anyone know what book the reading is in for socrates and plato?

  2. LH.

    Let me know if you don't understand the syllabus.

  3. Jacob Williams6:45 PM CDT

    In regards to the post, I'd have to say it was indeed a good first group meeting. We found out that we all get along and that we all agree on the flexible definition of philosophy. Now for my questions for our next meeting:

    Discussion- Would Plato's model of society in "The Republic" work?

    Factual- Plato believed that only philosophers truly understand the world.

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM CDT

    I agree that "The Republic" is an interesting scenario in terms of societal structure and that it would be a good topic for discussion, can't wait.

  5. As for last weeks discussion, we shared various opinions on the theories of Cicero. Overall, we had a very sucesful group meeting. I found the reading on Boethius to be interesting yet somewhat contradicting and i look forward to discussing it in the next class.

    -besides philosophy, what occupations or interests did Boethius partake in?

    -Boethius's theory says that god has set a pre-determined path for each person, yet everyone has a conscience control of the outcome of their actions. Do you believe that these two ideas can simutaneously exist?

  6. The last meeting we discussed Boethius and his beliefs on gods control over our actions. Next meeting, we will discuss Hobbes and his ideas of human barbarity.

    -Hobbes didn't believe that humans have what? (soul)

    -Hobbes believed that all humans are barbaric, but simply abide by the rules because they enjoy peace. How do you believe that his own absence of religion plays into his belief on his fellow man?

  7. In the last meeting, we went over our exams and asked any questions that we had about the test. Next meeting we will discuss Kant and his ideas on the human mind, and morality.

    -Kant said that our sympathy and morality aren't related and posses different feelings. Do you believe that our actions are based off of these two independently?

    -What is Kants most famous book? The Critique of Pure Reason

  8. Thursday we discussed Kant and his perception of sympathy and morality. Tuesday we will be discussing Schopenhauer and his theory on life and wether or not it is pointless.

    -According to Schopenhauer, ________ is the construction of reality in our minds, or the world as we see through our senses. The World of Representation

    -Some people say that is Schopenhauer was true to his philosophy that he would have killed himself. Do you believe this is necessary?


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