Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

T 27 #3 Questions on "Ethics in the Real World"

  1. What is considered as an alternative to a traditional "turkey" Thanksgiving meal?
  2. How is vitro meat created?
  3. What was the name of the novel written by Francis Moore Lappe that claimed processing animals is a wasteful operation?
  4. When are fetuses viable to live outside the womb?
  5. Does the US or Netherlands have a higher infant mortality rate?
  6. To what is a fetus' mental capability compared to?
  7. What is the correlation between money and happiness?
  8. According to Singer, What is a "fundamental human goal"?
  9. What is the worlds fourth worst health problem?
  1. Should the lives of animals be valued as much as the life of a human?
  2. When does life begin?
  3. What would you sacrifice for happiness?

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