Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

2nd installment of our role on earth

In my last blog post I described the show Dragon Ball Super and the context of the characters in relation to their philosophy. I mentioned how the supreme kai in training, Zamasu, was frustrated with this cycle he saw mortals in. He considers this cycle hopeless and that it should be more merciful on their part to end this hopeless cycle. What I didn't mention in my last post was his master's response. After hearing his frustrations his master Gowasu goes on to explain that their roles as kais is for creation and to not have a direct hand in their affairs. Their role is to guide and watch over them no matter what things they might do. In conclusion gowasu asks Zamasu to understand his place and try and get to know mortals better in which he reluctantly agrees. Despite this things don't turn out that way. I wish to stay on topic but if anyone reading this is interested then it's a great show.

Now I find what Gowasu said to be very interesting. To stay in your position and know your place can often seem restrictive. Now in Zamasu's case his thoughts and ideas were dangerous but to many of us today it is important to extend beyond our boundaries in life. One thing that I definitely agreed with was Gowasu's advice to Zamasu to get to know mortals better before casting judgement. I believe this kind of thinking applies to many of us today. We might see a person based of their looks and interaction with their environment and tend to give stereotypes or labels on these people. The truth is that the only true way to understand others is to personally interact and learn from them.

Another thing i'd like to point out is how Gowasu's stance on his role as a god correlates with what many in the christian faith believe with our god. Both of their roles are to create and watch over us humans with guidance in which i've experienced first hand after suffering my Spinal Cord Injury. It is this faith and guidance that can ultimately lead us to break these cycles as human beings. That is ultimately Gowasu's philosophy as a supreme kai. Below is a short video on youtube showcasing their conversation


1st Installment

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting connection between DBZS and us in real life. Thanks for sharing


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