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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Is Random Really Random? PART2 by Mena Sargios #8 [Golden State Killer Edition]

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Well this second installment took unexpected turn. Something random happen between the time of writing the two installments. In the first installment I have mentioned the argument between the comedian Patton Oswalt had with his late wife Michelle McNamara about randomness. And how she had won the argument in the worst possible way by an unsuspected death, in her husband’s words. 

Well if you don’t know Michelle McNamara is a true crime writer and before her death she vowed to find the Golden State Killer while writing her last novel I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer that is obviously about the serial killer crimes. The Golden State Killer is a serial killer, serial rapist, and serial burglar who committed at least 12 murders, more than 50 rapes, and over 100 burglaries in California from 1974 through 1986. She was almost done with the book but did not live to see the day it was published. Her husband with the help of her editor finished what she started. 

The book was published February 27 of this year and almost two months later the Golden State Killer suspect was caught due to DNA evidence and to make matters surreal, it happened on National DNA Day April 25 and four days after her anniversary, and during that time her husband was begin filmed for a documentary on how long it would take for a suspect to be caught. You could see the reaction Oswalt had on twitter.

What I’m getting at that all these events are random or could have some how led to one another, for example the police got the killer when one of his relative used the online ancestry service where it tracks down relatives by DNA may be that relative have done so after reading McNamara’s book, it may be a big coincidence but it’s a happy one. Some say that Michelle McNamara is still writing the ending from the afterlife.

Truly life without randomness is really boring as Mr. Phil said. We may have control over certain events but don’t have a say how it would affect the world or what the end product will be. Lets end this installment by Ms. McNamara words “It’s chaos. Be kind.”

posted by Mena Sargios #8


  1. "Be kind" - possibly the two least random and most important words in the English language. Kindness mitigates a lot of the universe's otherwise-cruelly random indifference.

  2. Seems all to much like deja vu of some sorts. I find this story very intriguing and compels me to want to watch the documentary. Crazy how things can happen out of the blue.


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