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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sec.#17 Questions

Courtesy of your classmate Robert Allen.

1.  Factual Question: True/False Shakespeare's plays imply the existence and good morals of God        because they feature characters that pray for help and safety,        which is followed by a positive and serene resolution.
Answer: False

2.  Factual: What does Hecht describe as being Shakespeare's "grace".
A: There is always doubt

3.  Q: Who was the 17th century philosopher that denied the Jews as Gods chosen people and said that there is no immortal human soul?


4.   factual question: How did Giordano Bruno die? A) Crucifiction B) Tar and Feathered C) Natural causes D) Burned at the stake
5.  Factual: What style of writing did Montaigne invent?
A. Novel
B. Play
C. Essay
D.   Poem

6.  factual- What was Matteo Ricci the founder of?
   answer- the Catholic missions of China
7.  True or False: Giordano Bruno was a supporter of the Copernican model of the universe

8.  Factual Question: True/False Spinoza held the idea that God and everything were one and the same

Answer: True
9.  Factual: True or false- After Spinoza was excommunicated he changed his name to Charles.
A: false; Benedict

10.  factual- who coined the term 'pantheist'?
  answer- Toland

11. Factual: What Is Hobbes most well-known work?
A: Tractatus
B: Miracles No Violations of the laws of nature
C: Leviathan
D: On the Nature Of Things

Answer: C
12.   Factual- True or False: Spinoza held the idea that God and everything were one and the same.

13.  Factual- True or False: The book that Hume wrote that caused a great furor was escentially a "love letter".
Answer: True

14.  Factual: T or F Descartes's famous axiom was Cogito Ergo Sum ( I think therefore I am).
Answer: True

15.  Factual: T/F Voltaire criticized intolerance, fought the religious dogma, and worked hard to get rid of the suppression of philosophical thought in the 18th Century.

16.  Factual Question: True of False?: The Catholic Church accepted Descartes proof of God.

17.   What commodity was imported to Europe that gave rise to the salonnieres? A) Beer B) Tobacco C) Tea D) Soap Answer -
C)     Tea

18.  Which countries were at the center of Enlightenment movements?
a. America
b. Greece
c.  France

19.  Factual: Which president wrote a private letter to a friend explaining himself to be an Epicurean?
A.) Jefferson
B.) Washington
C.) Adams
D.) Lincoln

David Hume believed that "we don't need religion for morality...religion itself got its morality from everyday morality in the first place".

Answer: True

21.  factual- who, when he came to power, made peace with the papacy after the French Revolution?
   answer- Napoleon Bonaparte

22.  An early priority of the French Revolution, which began in 1789, was to nationalize and democratize the French Catholic Church and its vast holdings of french land and wealth. True or False


23.  Factual Question: True/False Ernestine Rose was the famous abolitionist and atheist lecturer whose easy-to-care hairstyle-"in ringlets"-was adopted by many free-thinking women of the time.

Answer: True

24.   Since women were prohibited from learning at schools and universities, where did they go to learn? Answer - the salons

25.   True or False, Feurerbach believed we project ourselves onto what we think is the divine. Answer - True

26.   The Essence of Christiianity, which had a colossal impact on both politics and art was written by? Ludwig Freuerback

27.  Hume believed that "we don't need religion for morality... Religion itself got it's morality from everyday morality in the first place


28.  Kierkegaard wrote a book called ______.
a) Worry and Doubt
b) Fear and Trembling
c) Faith and Courage

answer: b) Fear and Trembling

A. The Bible B. The Republic
C. The Book of Emeralds D. The Philosophical Dictionary

Answer: D

30.  True or False: Kierkegaard's famous line was "God is dead."
   answer: false, Nietzsche said that

31.  Which ancient is usually given credit for atomism by moderns?

32.  TRUE or FALSE
Darwin was careful to avoid religious controversy when authoring his piece "On the Origin of Species"

33.  : : True/False The book On Liberty was a call for religious freedom and an attack on the calcification of custom.

Answer: TRUE

34.  Charles Bradlaugh's motto was:
a) "Doubt!"
b) "Thorough!"
c) "Think!"
d) "Believe!"

answer: B

35.  Charles Bradlaugh was a staunch advocate of Christianity. True or False....False

36.  Fact: T/F
Charles Bradlaugh was responsible for a law granting atheists the right to affirm in court rather than to swear.
A: True

37.  What was the name of the book that Percy Shelly and T.J. Hogg's wrote (it is often described as the first published attestation of atheism in Britian).

A.) Atheism and Life
B.) The Necessity of Atheism
C.) The Universe is not Convinced

38.  Robert Ingersoll had a fairly distinctive nickname coming from the fact that he was the best known doubting lecturer in the united states. What was this nickname?

A) the pagan prophet
B) the epicratic prophet
C) the wizard
D) the Socratic prophet

Answer: A

39.  TRUE or FALSE
One of Stalin's main targets when he rose to power was the Russian Orthodox Church?

40.   Who wrote the essay "Why I Am Not a Christian"?
Bertrand Russell

Factual: What two titles were some of Freuds first published works?
A) Studies on Hysteria
B)The Nature Of The Gods
C) Interpretation of Dreams
D) Dialogue on Religion

41.  Factual Question: True/False The Scopes "Monkey Trial" was the court case involving John Scopes and the Tennessee Government stemming from Scopes's teaching of evolution in the classroom.

Answer: True

42.  True/False Renowned psychotherapist Victor Frankl, who experienced the horrors of the Nazi death camps, expressed the importance of meaning, saying that people want meaning more than anything else and that therapy must help people find meaning.

Answer: True

43.  In the Cold War era, if you were a publicly known atheist in America you were known as what?
A) Communist
B) Satanist
C) Political Leader
D) Hero

Answer: A

44.   What does the "agnostic " belief mean?
a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.

45. Q1: Which was the first nation to encourage dissent and ensure the right to doubt?
A: Soviet Russia
B: France
C: United States

46.  Who believed that religion was bad but it was unnecessary to attack religion because once wage slavery was gone, religion would disappear?
A. Foucalt
B. Lenin
C. Marx
D. Stalin

47.  The book Wittgenstein was finishing in the days before dying was ___________ and was an answer to __________.

A. Tractatus Logico-Philsophicus; Stoics
B: On Certainty; Stoics
C: Tractatus Logico-Philsophicus' Skepticism
D: On Certainty; Skepticism

answer is D.


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