Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

my horoscope for today, in case youre interested...

Sagittarius Dec 6 2011
You may have changed your mind or your opinion about something important or controversial, but you are afraid to tell anyone. After all, you probably defended your choice or your feelings fervently, and now you're afraid of looking foolish. But the only truly foolish thing would be to grow and change and not admit it to yourself or to anyone else. You have allowed your mind and your heart to remain open, and so you were also open to deeper wisdom. Say what you feel, and be proud of yourself.
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Deep, huh?
Also to elaborate on my after class discussion with Katie and Jon on my feelings of Jesus. I do believe that Jesus is the true son of God. However i believe that I am a daughter, you Katie are a daughter, and you Jon are a son. Now the literal interpretation of Jesus being of the Holy Spirit's "seed", idk. I believe that if you believe in a one God that ultimately we are all of one seed, and that is of the Almighty. One love. Now i don't mean to take away from Jesus' holiness, i believe he was annointed by God and God showed him special favor, of which he was deserving. Jesus theman was born again, also. He had a normal life for 30 or so years and then had a spiritual awakening and was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, which i believe to be an explosion of positive, intelligent, Godly energy.
And off i go... All i am trying to say is Jesus is awesome and he shows us that as Gods children in this fallen world, we can attain an ultimate relationship with God, or enlightenment, or whatever else you want to call it.

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