Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, April 23, 2012

Music !?!?!? (2 of 3)

Music makes the World Go Round!?!?!

...i did some crazy research on how "christians" view music and its origin and whether its relative to our everyday life.   you'll see that their beliefs are a bit bent to the left and basically ALL biblical in nature... but why???

leads me to believe that "christians" are kinda way over the top to try and prove something that's so weird and.... Weird...

“Music is God's gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven.”
~Walter Savage Landor

I often hear claims in various contexts that particular theological positions on salvation (soteriology) or understandings of biblical interpretation (hermeneutics) necessarily lead to either so-called “conservative” or “progressive” music or worship philosophies. What I would like to do in this essay is to demonstrate that such positions do not, in fact, automatically lead one to hold a particular worship or music philosophy.

First, I think it is important to define each of these positions. It is often a misunderstanding of what these teachings imply that leads to the mistaken conclusions that such positions include a worship or music philosophy.

A Christian conservative believes in absolute standards of truth, goodness, and beauty. He rejects relativism in these three areas since they are transcendental principles flowing from the very nature of God. The fact that something is true, good, or beautiful depends on its relationship to the ultimate true, good, and beautiful. Therefore, the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, and beautiful and ugly may be determined by observable standards and is not merely subjective. Furthermore, these transcendental principles are revealed in the written Word of God and natural revelation (creation and conscience). While natural revelation is certainly a lesser authority than the Bible, it is a real authority nonetheless. The Christian conservative believes, therefore, that he has the biblical responsibility to parse the meaning of cultural idioms. Based on transcendental principles, he will judge some idioms as unable to carry biblical truth because their messages are incompatible with biblical truth.

Second, recognizing that Christians have sought such transcendental principles for centuries, Christian conservatism is committed to preserving the best traditions of the past; therefore, it is suspicious of new cultural idioms. It does not necessarily reject anything new, but since it takes time to evaluate the meaning of new idioms to discern if they please the Lord, a Christian Conservative will resist adopting the newest cultural idioms in worship.

A Christian progressive believes that since the Bible does not specifically address particular culture idioms like music, believers are free to adopt whatever idioms they think best for the worship of God. He believes in the value of engaging the culture and celebrates diversity, freshness, and relevance in musical choices for worship.

A Christian progressive sees benefit in cultural progress, culture existing merely as a neutral vehicle for the transmission of propositional truth. He values contemporary forms of music for one of two reasons, rooted either in evangelistic concerns or contextualization of worship. One with evangelistic concerns values contemporary forms of music wedded with biblical lyrics due to their ability to attract and affect unbelievers with the truth of the gospel. One concerned with contextualizing worship desires to allow God’s people to respond to Him in the languages and mediums with which they are most familiar and comfortable. Either way, a Christian progressive would not hesitate to use pop culture idioms for the transmission of sacred truth. He would, in fact, value such practices because of the ability of pop culture to relate to common man. Church music (aimed at either the unbeliever or believer) must be accessible, he believes, and the most accessible forms of music are those currently used by pop culture.

~i want to discuss how Music came about...  Why did GOD create a being that would be the      perfect instrument & would be the face of EVIL.  

Who was Lucifer?

Lucifer was the Anointed Cherub. Anointed means to be set apart for Gods Divine purpose. It also means "bestowal of Gods divine favor", and "appointment to a special place or function."God had given Satan a certain amount of power and authority. But he perverted that power.
Lucifer wanted to exalt himself above God... rather than "just" being the Angel of God.

So Lucifer was the pinnacle of Musicians but he basically became moral in his thoughts and was eventually cast out of Heaven because of is "Greediness".   

Sounds familiar huh?

Speaking of Satan, our Lord says that “he abode not in the truth.” He was once the covering cherub, glorious in beauty and holiness. He was next to Christ in exaltation and character. It was with Satan that self-exaltation had its origin. He became jealous of Christ, and falsely accused him, and then laid blame upon the Father. He was envious of the position that was held by Christ and the Father, and he turned from his allegiance to the Commander of heaven and lost his high and holy estate.

Maybe this explains why most musicians today have that same devilish mentality to get ahead in their careers.  

But WHY???  Why have so many artists sold their "souls" to attain "world acception"... They are clueless to how they have tainted they music they have created which is innocent in nature... 

Music has never killed anyone

Actually let's not forget who took Lucifer’s position #3 in heaven being next in honor to Christ, the Son of God after the fall?

“The words of the angel, "I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God," show that he holds a position of high honor in the heavenly courts.[…] Wonderful thought--that the angel who stands next in honor to the Son of God is the one chosen to open the purposes of God to sinful men.

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” 
~Henry David Thoreau

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