Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Facebook && Philosophy Part 2.

Do people take privacy seriously these days? Privacy should be something people are entitled to. However, some people do not get the privacy they deserve. Celebrities often lack the privacy they deserve. The press constantly follow every move of their daily lives. Furthermore, some people take their privacy lightly, and they put things from their private life into their public life.

Facebook gives people the option to make their profile private. But is that truly privacy? Once a person accepts someone as their friend, the privacy they once had is gone. The information on their profile is visible to their friends. People put all types of private information on their Facebook profile such as their job, birthplace, birthday, and etc.

Facebook has become the privacy graveyard. On a daily basis, people post status and comments talking about details on their private life. From personal experience, one of my Facebook friends put all the detail of her pregnancy, abortion, and child's father on Facebook. Personally, I feel that information like that does not belong on Facebook for anyone and everyone to see. The information she put on Facebook was only for her and may be a few close family members or friends to know.

The book I am reading takes about how a skeptic views privacy. To a skeptic, privacy means the right to be alone or not having their personal business in the magazines. They split the world into two spheres. The public sphere is where the day time world exist. People discuss politics, sports, news, and etc. However, the private sphere is where the night time world exist. The private sphere is home for most people with their families. Now where does Facebook fit into these two spheres? Your computer is a part of your private sphere. You store pictures, music, and documents that connect things in your life. Nevertheless, once you log onto Facebook, you enter the public sphere (Wittkower 5).

Facebook is window into people's lives. Although, it is useful for friends and families who are miles apart. They use Facebook as a way to check in on each other and to know what is going on in people's lives. But sometimes people take things to far on Facebook. They use Facebook as an outlet to air dirty laundry. They will tell their business and anybody else's business. People allow strangers and the people they know to know information about them that should not be known to the Facebook world.

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