Up@dawn 2.0

Sunday, April 12, 2020



  1. That is not a quote from Marx. Don't believe everything you read on the internet ("as Abe Lincoln said" on the internet).

    1. I was thinking that that is eerily kinda polar opposite to what he actually thought, he might've said something to this effect if you replace the word Socialism with Capitalism. Gotta check your sources, right-wing pro-capitalist propaganda is incredibly wide-spread online. It's very easy to mislead massive amounts people, purposefully or accidentally with some text on a picture if they don't bother to check...

    2. That makes sense. that’s why I posted it to verify if it was from Marx or not thanks for the verification.

    3. Unfortunately, we live in a time where misinformation spreads like a wildfire.#11

  2. correct me if i'm wrong but is socialism is about production is regulated by the community as a whole. i agree this quote seems like capitalism to me.

    1. I think whoever posted it intended a parody based on the observation of self-avowed democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders, that capitalism so heavily favors the privileged elite that it amounts to "socialism for the wealthy" (and market capitalism for the rest of us)... But it would be easy for a casual and uninformed reader to misunderstand that point. True socialism is about social equality and equal opportunity for all. Some socialists insist on the public ownership of all industry and caps on personal wealth. More sweeping versions like that we just read in the A&P course, Martin Hagglund's "This Life," argue that true socialism requires not just a more equitable redistribution of wealth, but a fundamental "revaluation" of what wealth even means: not just capital accumulation, but "socially available free time" and literal control of one's own time.

  3. This is a shining example of how easily misinformation spreads on the internet these days. Whether it’s intentional or not, is using the word misinformation just a way to soften the blow of what it truely is, a lie. Does this categorization also fall under the same umbrella as “alternative facts?” Just something to think about. Section 6


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