Up@dawn 2.0

Friday, April 10, 2020

Sheltering in place with Montaigne


  1. I'm sure us introverted people are having a great time in quarantine.

    1. Yes. But even introverts can appreciate "zooming" -- just had a staff meeting via that platform. Normally I complain about our meetings, but I realize how much I've missed everyday contact with my colleagues. (Haven't missed the long commute from N'ville to M'boro, though.)

  2. I really appreciate the line "for the measure of enjoyment depends on the greater or lesser attention that we lend it", to me that is a big part of how to actively increase joy. In a time like this it is important to give energy to the right things.

  3. One thing I have, is that people seem to be a lot more friendlier and wanting to have conversations. Despite being in quarantined, I see many people jogging and taking walks. Along with a lot more police activity, it goes hand and hand I guess.


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