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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Study Guide Test #2 (Section 10)

Quiz October 9/10
Oct9/10-DR 13

1. In the Hellenistic period Western philosophy came to be seen as what? What did the Hellenistic philosophies all praise, and what did they all see as the key to wisdom?

2. Of what later philosophy was Epicureanism the main ancestor?

3. What central problem of philosophy was Epicurus apparently the first to state?

4. From what did the Stoics take their name?

5. What was the one thing the Stoics thought the Epicureans were right about?

6. How does Gottlieb say the Stoics were inconsistent?

Quiz October 11/12
Oct11/12, LH 3, DR 13 (p.336-357)

1. What was the main teaching of skepticism? ("Scepticism" in Br. spelling)

2. How did Pyrrho say you could become free from all worry? Does Warburton think this would work for most of us?

3. How does modern skepticism differ from its ancient predecessor?

4. Why does Gottlieb think Pyrrho must not have been as radically skeptical as legend has it?

5. What did David Hume say about too much skepticism?

6. What did "throwing in the sponge" mean, in Sextus Emiricus's story?

Quiz October 18/19
DR 358-390, LH 6-8

1. What happened in AD 529, and why is it a convenient milestone for philosophy?

2. What did medieval Christians "know" that Aristotle said wasn't so?

3. What's the one question almost everyone has heard about medieval philosophy? What's the obvious answer?

4. What was "the strangest document in the history of philosophy" and how did it catch the spirit of its time?

5. What was Plotinus's philosophy called, and what was its goal?

6. What did Proclus see as the job of philosophy?


7. How did Augustine "solve" the problem of evil in his younger days, and then after his conversion to Christianity? Why wasn't it such a problem for him originally?

8. What does Boethius not mention about himself in The Consolation of Philosophy?

9. What uniquely self-validating idea did Anselm say we have?

10. What was Aquinas' 2d Way?

Quiz October 23/24
T 21 - Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, DR 14 (390-425)

1. What religion did Augustine espouse before his conversion to Christianity, and how did it account for evil?

2. To what did Augustine return, that most of the first philosophers had rejected?

3. What form does Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy take, what does it never explicitly mention, and how does it account for the compatibility of real choice with the existence of an omniscient deity?

4. How did Anselm define God, and what is his famous "proof" called?

5. Who was Heloise's boyfriend, what was his greatest misfortune, and how did he go beyond established traditions?

6. Who wrote Guide for the Perplexed? What did he try to do in it?

7. Who had a "razor," and what was it for?

8. Who declared that there are other worlds, and was burned at the stake?

Quiz October 25/26 
Th 23 - The Renaissance, DR 15, LH 9-10

1. What effect did the new Renaissance humanist movement have on philosophy?

2. What did Vespucci mean when he said New Worlders were more Epicurean than Stoic?

3. What "prophet of modern science" nonetheless wanted to "build on astrology, alchemy, and magic"? Why?

4. What 15th century "remarkable development" gave rise to mass literacy?

5. What did Luther refuse to accept? What was the essence of Protestantism?

6. Whose cousin first mentioned "scientific method" and said it could support only "limited claims about the appearances"? 

7. Who "revamped Epicurus' picture of the universe" to make it more Bible-friendly? How?

8. With what metaphor did Descartes propose to support the new scientific worldview of Galileo?

9. What did Machiavelli say a leader needs to have?

10. Life outside society would be what, according to Hobbes?

Group Quizzes Section #10

1.  Who were Aristotle's most famous teacher and his most famous student?
2.  How did Aristotle honor his teacher?
3.  What was "happiness" to Aristotle?
4/  What original work of Aristotle's is the foundation of modern computer programming?

“The Cave”
1.  Who do the people in the cave represent?
2. What does the light symbolize?
3. According to Plato, what is the only government that would work in society?
4. What does Plato assume the masses around us to be?
5. What message was Plato trying to convey with the allegory?
6. Are there any modern examples of the cave that perfectly represent the point Plato was trying to make?

Ancient Atomism
1. Who invented the theory of atomism? Who later developed it?
2. Ancient atomism has aptly been described as what?
3. Why did atomism suffer from keeping what was held to be bad company?
4. Where did the idea of atoms come from?

Eastern Philosophy
1. What was the major concept of Confucianism? ​
2. What was the goal behind practicing philosophy in ancient India? ​
3. What are the two main schools of Indian philosophy? ​
4. What did Japanese philosophers in the classical period believe about phenomenon?
5. Which Japanese school believed enlightenment is attainable in our current form and lifetime?

Nature versus Nurture 
1. What is Plato's idea of the perfect forms?
2. What does Descartes say about the idea of knowledge before birth?
3. What did John Locke say about the mind?
4.  How is debate defined in modern day?

Human Suffering
1. What view does Atheism take on suffering?
2. Humanism stems from what beliefs?
3. How does Christianity explain suffering?
4. What is Nietzsche’s main argument?

Heraclitus and Introspection
1. What did Heraclitus do with his book that he wrote?
2. How was Heraclitus' philosophy shaped by introspection?
3. What is a fixed mindset?
4. What is Self-Reflection?

5. How Is introspection useful?

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