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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Section 11 Group 2 Descartes

Rene Descartes
 Cogito Ergo Sum "I think, therefore I am."

Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. He was trying to overcome doubt; trying to push it to it's breaking point. He stated, "to determine truth we must find out if there is one thing that we can know for certain, and build from there..." His foundation came to be that he knows for certain that at least he exists. "I think, therefore I am". He is a mindful being with thoughts and ideas, truths or not, so in turn, he must exist. With this starting point, he concludes that God is good and would not deceive him (even though he previously questioned if God was "actually playing with him"). Stoics, Jews, and Christians use the magnificence of the world to prove the existence of God but Descartes claims that it is actually the inner knowledge of God that could prove the worlds existence.

Dubito Ergo Sum "I doubt, therefore I am."

Factual question: What was Descartes most famous work that consisted of 6 parts? [ Meditations

Discussion: This quote came to mind when reading about Descartes. What do you think about this?

1 comment:

  1. I like it. But so far all my spiritual experiences have also been human. I expect there will be post-humans someday, but I doubt I'll be one of them. 'Course I could be wrong. As Montaigne would say, what do I know?


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