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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Exam questions (re-posted)

I'll change the wording when doing so will aid clarity & relevance. Some will be short answer, some T/F, some fill in the blank, some multiple choice.  Best way to study will be to re-read & think about the relevant discussions of each question topic in our texts. Worst way: memorizing Qs & As. -JPO

1. Factual Question: What is a prominent mystical tradition within Islam? Sufism

2. What are some virtues that Aristotle believed to make a person an excellent human being? Courage, Temperance, Sense of justice, Sense of humor.

3.  Where is the first place Jesus doubts God?
A: Gethsemane

4.  As an atomist, Bertrand Russell attempted to break down the complexity of the human experience and the world into what he called what? "atomic" bits

5. Fact question: What was Edmund Husserl's method of philosophical inquiry called? Phenomenology

6.  What was Ludwig Wittgenstein's book that he wrote that was published in 1921? Tractatus Logico-Philospjicus

7. What did Alfred Whitehead believe the point of Philosophy was?
To rationalize mysticism.

8. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a famous fictional epic containing the name of a persian prophet titled?
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

9. What is utilitarianism?
A: Utilitarianism is a philosophy in which the maximization of personal happiness is the ultimate end of mankind. 

10. What does Hegel insist about knowledge?
A: It develops.

11. Who was the founder of skepticism? David Hume

12. :What is the primary player in Kants philosophy? Reason

13. What did Kant believe self was?
"The transcendental ego

14. What inspired Kant to join the Enlightenment movement? David Hume's skepticism

15. What was Descartes most famous claim? "I think, therefore I am."

16.  What is "Pantheism?"
A: Pantheism is the idea that god and the universe are one and the same.

17. : What did Thomas Aquinas define God as?
A: The Prime Mover

18.  In buhddism, What is the condition of enightment without misery known as? Nirvana

19. Who was the first philosopher to come up with the idea of "atom"? Democritis

20. What was the most important virtue in society according to Confucius? Good Leadership

21.  How long ago was the first historical record of doubt?

-Nick, Group #1
1) Does Confucianism deals mainly with social concern or individual enlightenment?
Answer: social concern

2) What is the "Vedas"  in Hinduism?
Answer: Hindu, holy text

3) What 2 words define the Taoist notion of the cycle of change?
Answer: yin and yang

4) Who was known for their almost fanatic faith in reason?
 Answer: the Stoics

5) From what perspective did Paul preach?
 Answer: Gentiles

6) What does Nietzsche call the "last man"?
Answer: Übermensch

7) From what does Nietzsche believe tragedy comes?
Answer: recognition, beautification, and idealization of fate

8) What specific event started the reformation?
Answer: Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral

9) In Christianity, who composes the Holy Trinity?
Answer: Father God, Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

10) Who believed the ideas were usful only if they have "cash value"?
Answer: William James 

-Tamara, Group #2
I went and randomly selected 5 questions. Each question came from different sections. 

1. Factual Question: How long did Pyrhho, the founder of skepticism, end up living?
A: 90 years old

2. Factual Question:  Who suggested that "all knowledge comes from the senses?" 
A:  John Locke

3. Factual Question: What is ontology?
A: The study of being

4. Factual Question:  Who stressed the spiritual importance of Nature?
A:  Emerson

5. Who used the ancient Greek story of Sisyphus pushing a rock up a mountain to prove that life is worth living?
A: Camus 

-DJuan, Group 3
This is what I thought would be our five best factual questions.

1. What is phenomenology? The study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view.
2. What is animism?  The belief that entities throughout nature are endowed with souls often thought to be the souls of ancestors who are no longer individually remembered.
3. What is a Peripatetic?
A peripatetic is a follower of the ancient philosopher Aristotle. He gave his followers this title because the word means to "wander" around, which is just what they did to hear the teachings of Aristotle.

4. Zoroastrianism is the belief of how many god(s)? one
5. What well-known philosophers helped develop the idea of atheism? Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Friedrich Nietzsche.

-Hartley, Group 4

Q: What religion did Gnosticism grow out of?

A: Judaism

2) Q: Who coined the phrase "streams of experience"?
A: William James

3) Q: What is the name of the movement that says Western philosophy has run its course?
A: Postmodernism

4) Q: Adam Smith is known as the father of what?
A: the free-enterprise system
5) Q: Karl Marx began his career as a ______________ poet and polemical ______________.
A: Romantic; journalist

-Shannon, Group 5
1.      FQ:Who was Epicureanism founded by, please?

- Epicurus
2.      Factual Q: What is another word for doctrine of names?
-       Nominalism
3.      FQ: What was the one things that all Enlightenment philosophers agreed on?
-They believed in reason
       4.   What year did Vico die? 1744, The same year that Herder was born.
       5.    Who was Jonathan Edwards?  A New England Puritan minister.
       6. Who said, "Man is the measure of all things."?  Protagoras.

-Nathan, Group 6

Sec. #9
Question: Who is known the "father of modern philosophy"?
Answer: Descartes

Question: Charles Darwin pioneered which major theory?
Answer: Evolution

Question: What does 'Laissez faire' mean?
Answer: "Leave us alone".

Question: Who developed the philosophy of secular humanism?
Answer:Ralph Waldo Emerson

Question: What do Buddhists call the it when someone achieves enlightenment and the end of misery?
Answer: Nirvana

Question: Who developed the concept of the 'Ubermensch' or 'Superman'?
Answer: Friedrich Nietzsche

-Frank, Group 1
1)  What is the difference between Polytheism, Monotheism, and Henotheism?
-Monotheism is belief in one and no other gods, Polytheism is belief equally (for the most part) in multiple gods, and Henotheism is belief in god as supreme above all others, but the acceptance of other gods as well, although on a lower level.

2) Which of the 3 schools of thought, Confucianism, Taoism, and Mohism focused on the paternalistic society?

3) What is a good word or words that would summarize or describe the ideals of the Stoics?
-indifference or apathy

4) According to the majority of Western religious philosophers during the Middle Ages, which required more emphasis, faith or reason?
-Faith was primary amongst most, but reason was not to shunned or thrown aside, especially if it encouraged one's faith.

5) On what two main points did Spinoza & Leibniz agree and disagree?
-They both agreed that all things happened for a reason and that we couldn't always see the ultimate reason for the sake of our own limited perspective. Their disagreements began with that Spinoza believed that all things were made of the same fundamental substance, namely G-d Him/Her/Itself. Leibniz contrasted by saying all things were made of innumerable simple substances, called monads, that were completely independent and self-contained, not truly or effectively interacting with each other, but simply carrying out a "pre-destined harmony" instituted by G-d.

6) What was the name of Hegel's 1st and most likely greatest work
-The Phenomenology of Spirit

7) What was Nietsche's main problem with or gripe against Christianity?
-He saw the Greek heritage of the West to be in conflict with its Judeo-Christian background and rejected their synthesis within Christianity.

8) What was Freud's concept that centered on the idea of putting one's perverse and/or immoral thoughts deep down into the subconscious mind?

9) In Paul's theology, what were most humans incapable of doing and with what did they need G-d's, namely Jesus', help?
-Humans were unable to earn their salvation, their passage into heaven, and thereby needed G-d's grace & mercy  through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to attain it .

-Jeremy, Group 2
1) What did Pythagoras believe make up the cosmos?

2)What similarities do the respective theories of Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes hold?
     They were all materialists.

3)Who was the first known skeptic?

4)Who was the most noteworthy figure of the early Scholastic Period?
     Saint Anselm

5)Who was the first person to start the tradition of empericism?
     John Locke

6)What teaching/religion did Schopenhauer agree with most?

-Alden, Group 3
Who was the central figure of twentieth century pragmatism?
John Dewey

What was the theory Kierkegaard started?

Who were the two most famous and influential philosophers of the French Enlightenment?
Voltaire and Rousseau

Who wrote the "95 Theses"?
Martin Luther

What is animism?
The belief that entities throughout nature are endowed with souls

-Brian, Group 4
Group 5??

Sec. #11

1)      When did Buddhism and Jainism appear in India? Between the 5th and 6th century BCE.
2)      Where was Kant from? East Prussia
3)      Which philosopher was best known for is “utilitarian” beliefs? John Stuart Mill
4)      What was Descartes's thesis that the mind and body are separate substances? "Cartesian Dualism."
5)      Why where the Greek gods so human like? Because the Athenians wanted to justify their misdeeds by using the gods and their own personal misdeeds as excuses.
Once again I apologize for the lateness.
Brittany, Group1
1. Who was the most known philosopher of the Utilitarian belief? [John Stuart Mill]

2. What was Hegel's greatest book? [The Phenomenology of Spirit] 

3. What is a major theme of the Stoics? ["Life is tough"]

4. Who does the book Doubt refer to as a well known Cynic? [Diogenes]

5. Who was the first philosopher in the west? [Thales]

-Emily, Group 2
--What philosophy did Emerson create?
A: Secualar humanism.

--According to Democritus, what is the logic of atomism?
A: That everything ages and decays.

--Where does Skepticism trace it roots to?
A: Pyrrho.

--What philosopher did Schopenhauer strongly dislike?
A: Hegel.

--Like Hegel, what did Emerson believe humanity is linked by?
A: A collective "oversoul" that gives intuitive moral guidance.

--What philosopher did Thomas Jefferson study and admire?
A: Epictetus.

--What marked the high point of theology in medieval Christian thought between approximately 1050 and 1350?
 A: Scholasticism 

-Timecia, Group 3
Why was the Scale of Doubt quiz at the beginning of Jennifer Hecht's book?  To shake off modern habits and both vitalize the issues by pulling them apart and help stimulate readers among their peers.

Epicurus believed there were gods out in the universe somewhere, but why did he tell us not to fear them?  Because they were not paying any attention to us. (We intend for this to be a factual question that can be answered discussion form.)

What were Zoroastrians sometimes called?  Fire Worshippers.

What did Socrates believe was the most valuable of all possessions?  Virtue.

What were the selling of forgiveness called and who's thesis state this was corrupt?  Indulgences and Martin Luther.

 Eryn, Group 4
1. Who was Plato's greatest student and formed their own school? (Answer: Aristotle) 

2. Zarathustra explained suffering as the consequence of a war between what?

      (answer: two twin spirits.)

3. What was central to Plato's philosophy? (ANSWER- THEORY OF FORMS)

4.  What does tlamatinime stand for? (Answer: Knowers of things)

5. What was James mostly interested in? (answer: The problems of everyday living.)

6. What are the 2 notions of African Philosophy? (Asnswer: Tribalism & identity with nature)

Katie, Group 5

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