Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Section 1 Group 1 Questions For Test

Q: What theory did Darwin and Wallace propose?

A: Evolution

Q: Who was John Stuart Mills' dad?

A: James Mill

Q: What was the philosophy in which the maximization of personal happiness would be the ultimate end?

A: Utilitarianism

Q: Bertrant Russell produced what piece of work with his partner Alfred Whitehead?

A: Principia Mathematica

Q: Who were Wittgenstein's two biggest influences?

A: Schopenhauer and Nietzche

Q: "Apirkoros" is a generic term used by Modern Jews to refer to what?

A: Atheists.

Q: When the Arabs came into contact with Greek science and philosophy a new breed of Muslim dedicated to an ideal they called the _______?

A: Falsafah

Q: The Falsafah movement used what philosophy to interpret the koran?

A: Greek Philosophy

Q: Which dynasty brought the Muslim world its first golden age?

A: The Abbasid dynasty

Q: Maimonides was run out of Spain by a _________ sect for being _________.

A. Jewish, Muslim

B. Christian, Jewish

C. Muslim, Christian

D. Muslim, Jewish

Q: What Jewish mystical movement took off in response to Maimonides and other Jewish rationalist philosophers?

A: Cabala

Q: Which of these famous works was not written by Maimonides?

A. Guide for the Perplexed

B. Fountain of Life

C. Mishneh Torah

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