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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Exam #2 Study Guide

"Stud" & "Complied": a Freudian slip, Evan? ;)

But seriously... thanks for compiling, all. We'll review at the beginning of class, if anyone has questions. And I've learned of at least one midterm report presentation that almost slipped through the cracks. Last call for anyone else still needing to present.

Section H1 Ultimate Stud Guide for Exam #2 (Complied Questions)

I have taken (from Section H1) every group's questions and compiled them into one document. Below are all of the questions that have been posted from every group:

Philosophy Exam #2 Study Guide for Section H1 (Compiled)
Group 1

1. Q: Who was the father of the psychoanalytic theory?

    A: Sigmund Freud

2. Q: A turn towards the focus on the practical consequences of our beliefs instead of towards the abstract ideas of our beliefs is illustrated in the doctrines of what philosophical school of thought?

    A: Pragmatism

3. Q: According to Freud, the third great revolution in human thought was brought about by his discovery of what?

   A: The unconscious

4. Q: The study of any reality lies beyond our senses is _______________.

    A: Metaphysics 

5. Q: Who wrote The Origin of Species, the book that assimilated human beings into a common ancestral lineage with all other organisms on Earth?

    A: Charles Darwin

Group 2

6. Q: Which philosopher addressed the question of whether or not it was best to abandon ethics in favor of faith in God?   
    A: James

7. Russell started what is called the ________ turn in philosophy?
     A: Linguistic

8.   Q: What is the linguistic turn? 

      A: Philosophers began to think very hard about language and its underlying logical form.

9. Q: Which philosophical belief based on the absurdity of human existence became a cult? 

    A: Existentialism

10. Who studied philosophy as a logical analysis of language and the utilization of precision in the use of linguistics?

     A: Bertrand Russell

Group 3 

11. Q: What philosopher called religion the "opium of the people?"

      A: Marx

12.  Q: The philosopher behind the Ubermensh is...?

       A: Nietzsche

13. True or false, despite his somewhat eccentric ideas, Nietzsche had a positive outlook concerning human life?

      A: True

14. Q: If a sentence is neither true by definition nor empirically verifiable (or falsifiable), then it is meaningless according _______.

    A: Ayer

15. Q: What point was Camus trying to make by utilizing the myth of Sisyphus?

      A: That human life is pointless and absurd.

Group 4

16. Q: Who thinks "mental states and processes have real physical effects in the physical world"?

      A: Tim Crane

17. Q: David Papineau argued that _______________    ________________ is "concerned with the world of unobservables - things that we can't see or otherwise sense."

     A: Scientific Realism

18. Q:  _____________________ is the conclusion that we cannot know anything about the world.

     A: Skepticism 

19. Q: What philosopher believes that the tenses of time are a relationship between a person and an event?

     A: Hugh Mellor

20. Q: When talking about skepticism, what philosopher does Barry Stroud refer to in order to get the senses out of the picture as a source of knowledge?

      A: Descartes


14-1 Test #2 Questions

Here are the 14-1 Questions for the second test. Happy Studying! 

1. Peirce thought _____ _______ were nonsense, and ______  led to truth.
A: abstract theories, experiments 

2. William James was what type of philosopher?
A: Pragmatist
3. What was another name for Sartre's Philosophy? 
A: Existentialism 
4. Who was the father of the psychoanalytic theory?
A. Sigmund Freud

5. The book that assimilated humans into a common ancestral lineage with all other organisms on Earth was called what, and written by whom?
A. The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin

14-2 Exam questions

1. True or False: Russell accepted God and believed that it was acceptable to have a relationship outside of marriage.

A: False, after reading John Stuart Mill's Autobiography, Russell rejected God.

2. Who said: “Self-consciousness is not knowledge but a story one tells about oneself.”?

A: de Beauvoir

3. True or False: Kierkegaard believed the duty to obey God trumps the duty to be a good father.

A: True

4. Whose philosophy was based on pragmatism that boils down to "truth is what works"?

A: William James

5. Who came up with the cash value of thought concept?

A: Williams James

14-3 Exam Questions

1. True or false: Mill thought that greater happiness would come from individuals having greater freedom in how they behaved. (True)

2. The German philosopher _________ (Marx) was an egalitarian: he believed human being should be treated equally.

3. Which German philosopher said the famous words, "God is Dead"? (Nietzsche)

4. Who had a near-death experience, causing him to eventually question his certainly about whether the mind could continue existing after death? (Ayer)

5. Albert Camus linked existentialism with Greek mythology, using the myth of ______ to explain human absurdity. (Sisyphus)

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14-4 Exam questions

1. Crane believes the solution to consciousness can be found by probing the brain itself.
Answer: False

2. What is Scientific Realism?
Answer: The unobservable world, like atoms, viruses, radio waves etc exist even if we can not sense them with our 5 senses.

3. Do skeptics believe in our senses helping to determine the existence of something?
Answer: No. Skeptics do not trust our senses and how we perceive things.

4. Does time have tenses?
Answer: No. We create that to better understand time but in reality, time has no category in which to put it in.

5. What is something a scientific realist would argue exists?
Answer: waves and particles

(16-1) exam 2 questions(Darwin,James, and Sartre)

True or False
1)Darwin was a philosopher?
2)Darwin claimed everyone has a ape in their family tree:
3)For William James truth is what people see with their own eyes.
4)Jean Paul Sartre was born in japan

5)Who said that bad faith is running away from freedom?
Answer: Jean Paul Sartre

16-3 Exam Questions

Which philosopher penned one of the most widely-known political books of all time, theCommunist Manifesto?  KARL MARX

Which German philosopher, in Thus Spake Zarathustra, described the idea of anÜbermensch (super-man), an imaginary future person who goes beyond moral codes to create new values?  FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE

Whose most famous words were "God is dead?"  FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE

Who, at the age of 24, wrote Language, Truth and Logic, which declared that most of the history of philosophy was worthless gibberish?  A.J. AYER

Who said that "there are causes worth dying for but none worth killing for?" ALBERT CAMUS

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