Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Section 14 Group 3 (11/20)

Today we talked about Keith Ward and Idealism. We didn't really have a lot to say about him. Idealism is the view that the fundamental reality is spiritual not material. As opposed to materialism where everything is, well, material. Most Indian schools of philosophy focus on idealism, whereas the western thought is materialistic. We agreed more with the materialism viewpoint.


  1. Kendall Martin 142:09 PM CST

    Questions for Stoic Pragmatism:

    What are the three paradigms that guide philosophy in America today?
    A: Analytic, Continental, American

    Do you think that the United States would be a better nation if it had a Council of Ethics that would be staffed by philosophers?

  2. John Hollis 1410:47 AM CST

    F: Which country did Plato serve as advisor to the ruler? Syracuse

    D: Should philosophers in America send more time trying to actively change the world rather than just thinking about abstract questions?

  3. Nikki Sinning12:42 PM CST

    F: Who set the standard for effective involvement of philosophers in their communities in the 20th century?
    A: William James and John Dewey

    D: How do you feel about relating philosophy to religion?


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