Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, November 14, 2011

Group 1 (Sec 17)

In our last discussion we talked about the enlightenment. I specifically liked how women were allowed socially to take a role in politics and debate. Also, a sort of free speech swept many countries leading to the birth of many new ideas and movements.
Our factual question was: Since women were prohibited from learning at schools and universities, where did they go to learn? Answer - the salons
Discussion question: What is the modern day salon/coffee house?

Next Classes factual: True or False, Feurerbach believed we project ourselves onto what we think is the divine. Answer - True
Discussion: If there is no God and we project our own values as the divine, could vengeful and aggressive religions show the true nature of man?


  1. I find it amazing how the deveelopment in technology in recent years has led to the ability for intelectual discussions to take place from distances. This opens up the possibility like no other when people who would not usually meet are able to come together and discuss.

    For next time:
    Factual: The Essence of Christiianity, which had a colossal impact on both politics and art was written by? Ludwig Freuerback
    Discussion: Freuerbach said that we could learn about ourselves by studying religious urges outside the context of belief, do you believe this?

  2. During class, I mentioned that I couldn't imagine a new revolution of thought similar to the Enlightenment. But as one of our group members pointed out, the internet really has brought on the new forum for thought exchange. The internet serves to us like the coffeehouses of France. Our method of challenging old conventions is the blog sphere. Think about it... Enlightenment ideals are anything but dead. Today, equality amongst races is well established in America. Recently, in the middle east there has been an Arab spring of turning over dictators and evicting tyrants. These are all enlightenment principles. Also, on the internet we have seen many scandals uncovered and copious amounts of conventional religious thoughts challenged. The Era we live in is almost continual challenge of thought. And the internet almost rewrites our thoughts in a sense. Because we rely so heavily on the internet for information, inaccuracies on the web can become established beliefs. If everyone, for example, believed the first link under a google search that idea could literally become "fact". Our Enlightenment medium thus could have the potential to erode our history, through re-sculpting our past...a very dangerous potential is if some dominant faction be in control of those search results....Wait aren't they already subject to whoever pays google the most? Just something to think about.
    Feuerbach believed in the potential that God was a projection of the divine qualities of ourselves.
    What aspects/qualities of the Divine do you think build most prominently from what society esteems? from what we esteem in ourselves?


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